
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Challenge: Champs vs Pros | Season 30 Episode 4 - "A Cold Day In Hell"

Spoiler Alert!

Back with a brand new rant, this time The Challenge rant.
We're getting closer to the end which means the episodes are getting more and more exciting.
Once again, in this episode, there wasn't many drama. Yes, it started out with the cliffhanger of the previous episode, which envolved a little bit of drama but the outcome, as I expected, wasn't that surprising.
Lolo chose to go against Tia and, as you can imagine, that wasn't a fair fight... And Tia even gave up in the third 'round' because she knew she wasn't going to beat Lolo. And from that, we just moved on to the next day.
We see Wes and Lolo having some conversation in a bar or whatever (like we see in the picture) and then we jump right into the challenge.
This week's challenge was all about memorizing things and it was a take two of that challenge that one had to pull something to show the puzzel that was underneath it (I can't really explain it, I'm sorry) and right away I said that the champs were going to win and guess what? Yes, they won! Which means, they're tied up again! It was pretty good challenge, to be honest, and I always like to see the champs win so...
Then, we move on to the nominations and, since Gus was the Team Captain, he was already up for elimination. The rest of the team then had to vote and, once again, they made it a tie, which Gus didn't want. He eventually had to pick someone and he chose CM Punk. On the champs side, Darrell was safe because he was the Team Captain and they won, so it was between Wes, Jordan and CT and I said right away that it was going to be Wes and Jordan because Darrell was going to choose obviously Wes, which he did and there was no way the other were going to vote in CT so yes, it was Wes against Jordan and, although I don't really like either of them, I was rooting for Jordan because I really don't like Wes.
When it came to the elimination, the first ones to go in where Gus and CM Punk. I was obviously rooting for Gus, as was everyone else and, thankfully, he won!
Then, when it was the champs time, I wasn't so lucky because Wes won.. Once again...
Anyway, it was a good match and it was a good episode. Next one is going to be the second to last episode of this season, so I expect great things! I'm a bit confused on how many people is going to the final but I predict that the next episode is going to eliminate both guys and girls, one from each team, so it's going to be four on each team in the final. But, you never know with the Challenge so... Let's wait and see.
In the mean time, let me know which are your predictions and who are you rooting for. You kow I'm still rooting for my girl Camila!
Until the next rant...

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