
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 17 - "Game Night"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
I know, I'm a bit late with this rant but, not only I have been trying to catch up on other stuff but, to be honest, I also didn't feel like talking about this episode, maybe because it wasn't that great.
Yes, unfortunately, this wasn't my favorite episode. It did end with a pretty big cliffhanger (and with an even bigger preview for next episode) but most of this week's Supernatural's episode felt a bit odd. Overall, it felt rushed and a bit all over the place and I was really confused throughout the whole thing (and not a good confused).
The basic premise of this episode was Nick trying to get Lucifer back into himself (what's new?!), starting with capturing Donatello as part of this complex ritual to do so. Needless to say that the Winchesters manage to save Donatello and prevent Lucifer from being back, sending him back to The Empty. The only issue was that, in the end, Jack ended up killing Nick, not that I blame him though. The truth is, this whole thing was a plot to make Jack 'turn' bad and I don't know how I feel about it. To be honest, I'm not even mad that Jack killed Nick. Nick was starting to get really annoying and, as much as I loved Lucifer and as much as I kind of missed him, this was just recycling the same story again and I'm ready to be done with Lucifer, as well as Nick so, I'm fine with Jack killing Nick. What I'm not fine with is the producers possibly making Jack the bad guy next season - I really don't want that. Unfortunately, it looks like it, mainly because, in the end of the episode, Jack did something to Mary, something that we didn't see so, she could be fine, she could be hurt or she could be even dead (which I wouldn't mad either, to be honest, I was never Mary's biggest fan). That was an huge cliffhanger and then, on top of that, they showed a preview where it looks like Dean and Castiel are going to separate ways and 'be mad' at each other, what makes me really sad. But let's see, might not be what it looks like.
Oh, speaking of Castiel, I might just add that in this episode we had a bit of Castiel and Anael trying to find a way to contact God which, not only was something nice (also to have Jensen's wife back) but also because they brought back the necklace that Dean used to wear all the time, which was such a throwback.
I don't think I have much more to say. Like I said, this wasn't my favorite episode and I felt weird about it but I'm excited about the next one.
Let me know what you thought of the episode, if you felt the same way as me and I'll talk to you in my next rant!

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