
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 5 - "Guilty by Association"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new week full of new reviews!
We're starting the week, as usual, with The Challenge. Unfortunatelly, this time, I don't have that many good things to say about this episode.
This might have been one of the worst The Challenge episodes. First of all, I just hate when they focus the episode on just one thing like, this time, the whole episode was about this elimination and that was the only think that happen and you know, I watch the show mainly for the actual challenges and then, second, the whole thing was just a mess and, overall, this was a poor episode. But, in all that happen there were a few things that I enjoyed, like the actual elimination challenge, which was one of the best in the last seasons. 
Maybe I shouldn't start with this but I'm just going to start with my whole 'review' on the elimination challenge which, like I said, was really good. I don't usually agree with what Jemmye says but I have to agree with her on this, this type of challenges is the reason why we (at least for me it is) watch the show - challenges (mostly eliminations) with like a really physical impact - this one was basically wrestling with a little bit of water and a ball involved - the focus is that it was like a really physical challenge and there was actually a 'fight' but an allowed one so it's really interesting to watch.
Rewinding a bit to the beginning of the episode...
Like I said, not much happened and the beginning was only some of them trying to make deals (which did not happen) and then the Inquisition happened and Tony, Zach and Marie chose Melissa, Kayleigh and Britini to then decide which to go to elimination against Sylvia. Britini was someone that everyone wanted and then Kayleigh and Melissa were the people that Sylvia said was comfortable to go against with so they went with both of them. Obviously none of them were happy, mostly Britini who was basically who everyone wanted/thought was going to be the real chosen one to go against Sylvia. Luckily for Britini, Melissa had some fights with Kam and then everything changed.
To be honest, I didn't even understand that fight between Melissa and Kam like, it was all because of Melissa's reputation?! Seriously, I don't understand and, to be honest, I don't care. I don't really care about none of them. Anyway, in the end, the Troika chose Melissa to go against Sylvia, because of everything that happened, which was the easiest choice. The trusth is, in a way, I was rooting for Melissa just because everyone was against her and I really didn't see what she did wrong. Maybe she was flirting too much but... What's wrong with that? Anyway, I'm not going to talk more about that and I'm just going to say that, in the end, Sylvia won, which was also fine for me because what Joss and Brad did to her wasn't right. 
Because she won, she also got a grenade and her grenades were Cash, Endure, which was someone chosen by her had to do an endurance challenge before the actual challenge, or Order Up, which she choses the order for the challenge. To be honest, I think she's going to choose the Endure and do it to Brad because of what he did to her, at least, that's what I would do.
Anyway, that's it for todays' rant of The Challenge.
Overall, it wasn't a nice episode. I just hope next one is better. It looks like it's going to be because drama is going to happen with Bananas so, thats already interesting but, let's see.
Let me know what you thought about the episode and I'll see you in a bit with a new The Flash rant!

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