
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 10 - "Rumor Has It"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to a brand new week full of rants!
As usual, we're starting with The Challenge, and what a big episode we have to talk about!
This episode was a really antecipated one because of the whole Devin/Bananas thing and oh my not only that was bomb but also the other drama with Kayleigh, which I'll get into that in a minute.
The episode started with the end of last episode, with Bananas and Devin talking and then Devin going to Kailah and Tony for them to send Bananas in. We didn't see much more and then we moved on to the Troika 'nominations'. This time, it was pretty quick and they chose, obviously, Bananas, Nelson and, surprisingly, Leroy. I mean, I get the whole thing about breaking Bananas and Leroy alliance but... Who dares to send Leroy?! Like, he's the sweetest person in the house, really so... I don't know how can people dislike Leroy, to be honest.
Anyway, after that, Devin decided to start up a rumor - that Bananas and Kayleigh had hooked up, which just started a big big mess between everyone in the house, really. But, what's really dumb about that 'move' is that what does it do to Bananas?! I mean, the only was that Natalie basically stopped 'working' with him and trusting him but then, there was Kayleigh to replace her so... What's the deal really?! What it did do was create a whole mess between the girls, more exactly Kailah, Jemmye and Britini against Kayleigh. All because the three girls were on 'Natalie's side' and since all of them, including Kayleigh, were on the same room and Natalie felt uncomfortable having Kayleigh there. And then, this ended up like really, really badly because the three girls decided to through Kayleigh's stuff through to balcony, from the first floor to the ground floor - both her bed and her suitcase with all ther stuff in there. I got pretty mad about the whole thing! Kayleigh did too, but they managed to calm her down and she didn't really do anything to do, which I don't think it would happen to me really. I'm a pretty peaceful person and I don't like to get into fights or anything but in that moment, oh man I wouldn't even mind if I was sent home, I would just punch them! What they did was so bad, really mean and, I've always heard that, 'who is wrong, changes' (I don't know if that's just a Portuguese thing but...). If Natalie doesn't feel comfortable in there, she should be the one to leave, not Kayleigh, mostly because she didn't even do anything, it was all a rumor. Anyway, in the end, even TJ called them out and said that it was really bullying (which it was) and if it ever happened again, they would be sent home so... When TJ calls you out, you know it is really bad! And, if I didn't like them before, I dislike them even more!
Anyway, this whole thing dragged basically throughout the whole episode and it almost made us forget about the elimination but no, it did happen and it was such a surprise!
When it came to choosing someone to go against Devin, it went as expected... In some ways... Zach chose Nelson, Kailah chose Bananas and then, the (not so) big twist... Tony chose Bananas! I can't really say I was surprised because they were making a big deal out of this whole thing so, I knew this could happen. Obviously I was hopefull that he would choose Nelson and, to be honest, I would choose Nelson as well like, just like Bananas said in the Inquisition, Bananas never said Tony's name and he has always protected him. Besides, if you're on Bananas side, even if he wins, you can always get third place and win some money anyways. I know it's not first place but, it's better than to go home empty handed, right?! Anyway, Bananas went against Devin and... You can say I'm bitter at how it ended but, I just think they did on purpose like, to choose that type of challenge for the elimination. It was really a case of luck and any of them could win really. If it was something physical, I'm 100% that Bananas would win. And yeah, Devin did win against Bananas, which just got me really mad and, I don't know... I just don't like anyone left really... I mean, I think I'm going to be rooting for Leroy and Cara Maria now because, apart from those, I don't like any of them. I despise Kailah, Britni, Jemmye, Kam and Brad. I hate Devin and I don't really like Nelson either so. Oh, and I totally forgot to mention, in the end, Kayleigh decided to leave as well because of everything that happened. I don't blame her really, I think I would do the same, but really, I just hope she would punch those girls because that's what they deserved. Also, forgot to mention but I think you all know that Devin won a grenade so, let's see what he chooses. 
I don't know what's going to be like the Challenge from now on because it seems like the main 'dramas' are over so... But Leroy said in an Podcast that something would happen with him that would change the way he plays the game. He even said it was wrost that what happened with Camila so, I can't wait for that really.
So, I guess that's it for now. It's going to be boring from now on but let's see, they can surprise me. Let me know what you thought about all the events that took place in this episode and I'll see you guys in a bit with a new The Flash rant!

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