
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 7 - "Unhuman Nature"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So... It seems like I've been saying this a lot but, once again, I'm sorry I took way too long with this rant. The truth is, I wasn't able to post on Friday and then I just didn't feel like in the weekend so... I just got around to it now. I hope you forgive.
This episode had quite a lot but still not enough to make me love it (and for sure not after that amazing Arrow episode) but it had some big twists! As we were expecting, the main focus on this episode was Jack and his well-being, but that wasn't all. There was another equally important story-line in this episode - Nick. That's right, Nick is back and we see that he's not doing so great, just like Jack.
The episode actually begins with the brothers taking Jack to the hospital, which was funny. We never see the boys do such mundane things, even less go to hospitals, so it was pretty funny see the medical system that we have, the boys dealing with it and then trying to fill a file about Jack. That was so funny! But, as you can expect, the trip to the hospital led to nowhere so they had to recur to someone else, and that's when Sam asks for Rowena's help.
Rowena determines that Jack's condition is a result of his human and angel sides attacking each other without his grace maintaining the balance. With Rowena not able to do anything else, Sam decides to contact a shaman for help, while Jack decides to live his life to the fullest while he can, and that's when Dean joins in. Also, we have to note that, through out all this, Dean have been displaying some mysterious dizziness so... There's more to this than meets the eye.
Sergei, the shaman, provides Castiel with some of Gabriel's grace (my baby Gabriel) and a spell to fix Jack's condition, of course, in exchange for a favor from the Winchesters when the time appears. Rowena performs the spell, but Jack ends up getting worse, and that's when Sergei tells Castiel that it was an experiment. At last, Rowena proclaims that there is nothing more they can do for Jack but be there for him as he dies.
And as if this whole thing with Jack wasn't enough, there's a lot more happening with Nick.
Turns out that, based on the information that he learned from his former neighbor Arty, Nick is able to track down a cop, who he tortures for information about his family's murders. At last, the cop reveals that he was the one who killed Nick's family after encountering a man named Abraxas, who Nick realizes was a demon that ended up possessing the cop. 
So, you'd think that, now that he's got what he was looking for he was going to stop. Well, you're dead wrong. Nick ends up killing the cop anyway and that's when the most unexpected thing happened! Nick realizes that he enjoyed killing and enjoyed being Lucifer's vessel and so he prays to him (Lucifer). That's when we see some skeletal figure with red eyes rising from the Empty!
Like, what was that plot twist?! I sure wasn't expecting it.
Well, in a way, I wish they weren't doing this. I mean, I love Mark Pellegrino and I loved him as Lucifer but... How many times have we been through this?! Lucifer have been killed like 5 times and brought back to life right after. I'm getting a bit tired of that. He should've died in season 5 like, almost 10 seasons ago. I know I'm sounding really angry but it just tires me. They did the exact same thing with Laurel on Arrow and I hated it. Yes, I like Lucifer and Mark Pellegrino as him, which helps but... I don't know. Let me know what you think about all this.
Now, I just hope Jack doesn't die! That's all I care for right now.
Anyway... Like I said, let me know all your thoughts about all the events in this episode and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

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