Spoiler Alert!
OMG, this gets more intense with each episode!
Hello people! Here I am to talk about a new episode of The Sinner (yes, I know, I still have another one to review).
This episode just left me even more confused. If I already had a lot of questions, now I have even more. And when I thought Jamie was finally going to get better... Nope, he's just about to get worse.
Overall, not much happened and we didn't really find new things (hence why I'm still so confused) but we did get a pick into Jamie and Nick's past and we learned more about when they met in college. Turns out, Jamie changed once he met Nick and they started doing some weird stuff, from the looks of it. It really looked like they were doing what now what they used to do them, which isn't something new... We had kind of learned that in the first episode, but now we get a few more details. Also, Detective Ambrose finds something in a photography from Jamie's old roommate - Ubermensch - which is basically becoming your own god (?). I'm not too sure if I understood the concept correctly but it is based on the study of Friedrich Nietzsche, so you can look it up if you want to. For now, I would rather be in the dark - I feel like that creates a better atmosphere for the show.
Anyway so, right now, I don't think they wanted to kill that woman. Instead, they just wanted to play with death and what they were doing was bury themselves alive, which might be some type of initiation. And maybe Jamie was doing it all over again because he didn't complete it the first time. Maybe things got out of control and he bailed. Unfortunately, I think this time things won't end up well because Jamie is really loosing it.
All of this makes up for good television though and I'm loving Matt Bomer's performance!
I really don't know what else to say about the episode. Everything else that happened doesn't look like as interesting or as important to me. Maybe Emma (Jamie's student) will play a bigger part in all of this but, for now, it looks like it's just a way to let us know that Jamie is really not well.
Detective Ambrose tries to help him in the end of the episode, but Jamie sees the whole thing as a way to force a confession out of him and just runs away.
I really can't wait for the next episode! It looks like the next one is going to be more intense so... Let's see.
Let me know what you thought (even though episode 4 is out already) and I'll see you pretty soon with the next rant.
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