
Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 5 - "Part V"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
That's right, here I am, once again, with a new The Sinner episode.
This week's episode was... interesting. I feel like it was more about the characters and not so much about the plot. Still, I was pretty invested and I have some new theories.
As per usual, we find more things about this whole Jamie situation. He was, indeed, who killed Kyle, the guy from that party, after he comes back to have a more insightful reading. Kyle talks a lot about how Nick was and says things that he used to say but after getting too deep into Jamie's head (or whatever) he decides to stop, and that's when Jamie gets mad and kills him. This whole interaction was presented to us through flashbacks throughout the episode and only in the end we see Jamie really kill him. And from all the things that Kyle said, I came up with something slightly different. I'm just going to go straight to that and then touch on the rest of the episode. So, Kyle says that Nick wants Jamie to keep going, that he's almost there but I thought he was already 'there'. I thought the 'look death in the face' was about seeing someone die and, at this point, Jamie has seen two people die and he's still not there? That makes me thing that it's not about someone dying, it's about you get close to dying - in this case, Jamie get close to dying, hence the grave. There's still a lot of things unexplained so I'm curious to see where this whole thing goes.
Post that we follow Harry. He quickly gets an hold of some evidence that might incriminate Jamie and he gets in touch with him. Jamie basically confesses everything to Detective Ambrose and the later tells him to just turn himself in. Jamie refuses to and just leaves. At this point you can see that Jamie is really out of his mind and, as much as I feel for him. I'm with Harry on this. And with this killing... There's no excuse.
And the last piece of this puzzle is Sony, the woman that owns the property where they had the accident. Harry tells her that she should be fine and that it was only a game but she's not satisfied and she goes to Leela and tells her everything about the grave and the night that Jamie had with Detective Ambrose. This was really shady and I'm so sure that this woman is hiding something. Every episode she gets more suspicious and this... This just was too much.
Well, with all that she found out, Leela ends up kicking Jamie out of the house, which leads him to make a visit to Detective Ambrose, when he had his grandson staying over with him. This just let to a minor fight that I'm pretty sure was Jamie's purpose - to instigate Harry just like Nick instigated him. Which makes me thing of another theory - Jamie is trying to 'recruit' Detective Ambrose. It's a really out there theory but there's a reason why Harry cares so much about Jamie - he sees himself in him, in a way, so that's a possibility.
Okay, I guess this might have been my biggest The Sinner rant so far.
Let me know what you thought of the episode and which are your theories. Do you agree with any of mine? Tell me everything. I'll see you next week with new rants!

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