Spoiler Alert!
Hello people!
Where we are! We arrived at the Final and there's quite a few stuff to talk about so let's get into it!
I have to say, I'm pretty stoked so far with what we saw. The final is still just halfway through but right away my predictions (and my hopes) I'm becoming true and not only the UK Team is smashing the challenges but also Paulie is failing! That's right, my wish is becoming true! I mean, Cara is still 'fine' but Paulie looks pretty rough and we don't know if he's going to make it till the end. I don't wish him bad, I just don't want him to win and so, if he isn't able to keep going, better. But we'll see. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself so let's rewind a bit.
TJ explains the Final and the first stage is a run (a pretty long one, as usual) with some relics and weights and, how this works is that the US has more weights because they also have more players in the Team. It's fair, but it does make it a tiny bit easier for the UK. But in the end, the US did this to themselves so... Anyway, there's a lot more to the challenge but I supposed you watched it so I don't need to explain every single bit. Just know that there's also some check points with challenges (again, as usual).
The Teams were pretty neck a neck until the third check point, which was the eating challenge. The UK Team did get there before the US but they also got a bit lucky because two of them, CT and Tori, didn't have to eat, and because they have less players, they were able to get going faster. The US, not only had more players but they didn't get to lucky. And then there's Cara. You would think by now she would be better at this challenges but nope. I knew this, but I'm sure most people forget that, just like Jordan said, Cara crumbles under pressure (as she also did on the Math check point) and yeah.
At this point Paulie also starts to give in. Yes, he has been carrying the thing with the weights this whole time (with others, I should say) but so is Leroy and he's not complaining. I mean, Paulie really did look bad and he should give up but he has so much pride and he just can't. I'm pretty he will in the beginning of the next episode but, until the end of this one, he still tried to keep going. I don't think that will last but, we'll see.
To end this rant I just want to mention that the UK Team did get a 10 minute penalty because CT messed with them when TJ said they couldn't. But even with that, they were still pretty ahead of the US when the episode ended so, I'm hopeful.
I really want the UK to win, not only because I don't want Paulie and Cara to win but also because everyone doubted them. Also, we see in the preview that only 4 people win which means not everyone for the Team wins. That's unfortunate for the UK Team because they have 5 players, which means there's just one that won't win which, in my opinion, should be Jordan or Tori, since the money is going to the same house. I'm sure they won't do it, even more because we see that everyone comes to a puzzle challenges. And, in the very end of the preview, we see TJ tell the four winners that they won and I'm pretty sure I heard Tori scream so, I'm really hopeful!
This season has been great (even if most of my favorite players went home in the beginning) and this final has been one of the best ones! Keep this going The Challenge!
That's it from now. Let me know what are you thinking of this final and who are you rooting for and I'll see you tomorrow with a new Supernatural rant!
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