
Friday, November 6, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 18 - "Despair"

Spoiler Alert!


Like, REALLY big spoilers ahead this time!

Hello everybody! I didn't know what I had ahead of me when I watched this episode and I had no idea that I would have to write something like this so soon!

That's right everybody. Three episodes away from the finale we loose our first Team Free Will member. I'm just going to rip the band-aid right away and say it - RIP Castiel. Yes, we lost Castiel this soon and, although we knew this would most likely happen, I was not prepared and I certainly didn't see this coming (at least, not in this episode). But, as per usual, I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a ton of stuff that happens in this episode so, let's start in the beginning.

So, you know how that last episode ended - with God leaving, Jack almost dying and the preview suggesting that Billie would be the new enemy to take out. Oh, how we were wrong! The episode starts right away with Billie appearing, taking take of Jack aka sending him to The Empty to explode there (the only place that could take that amount of energy and power). Then, Billie admits her plan and asks Sam for her book in exchange for bringing Jack back from The Empty. I was so not okay with this but Sam does indeed give her the book and yes, she brings Jack back. However, Jack is back to 'normal' and doesn't have his powers back. But even with that, Billie reads how God's death is going to be now that things changed and, for some reason, says that Jack can still help and tries to take him back with her, which, surprisingly, Dean says no and injures Death with her own scythe, forcing her to leave without Jack, the book or her scythe. Shortly after that, another problem rises - people from the Apocalypse World start disappearing.

Assuming that Death is the one behind this disappearances, Sam starts working with Charlie, Bobby, Donna and Jack to find a place and protect the people from that world while Dean and Castiel hunt Billie. When confronting Billie, Dean and Castiel are faced with something new - Billie tells them that she's not the one behind the vanishes but, instead, it is God. That's also when she reveals that when Dean injured her he didn't just do that - that wound is actually killing her and, as she's bound to die, the last thing she wants to do is kill Dean. So she chases Dean and Castiel and that's when Castiel realizes that Death is too strong and only The Empty can stop her. And that's when things get a bit bittersweet. 

Cas tells Dean about the deal that he made with The Empty and finally experiences a moment of true happiness when he reveals his feelings for Dean. That scene, for me, although it was so sentimental and really 'sad', it was also so corny and... Ugh, in the end, I didn't really like it because it was so obvious it was to please the Destiel shippers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love their friendship but this was clearly to please the hardcore Destiel shippers and it's kind of bad how a show goes to those lengths just to please a group of people... I mean, I love when shows do something for the fans but this looks a bit too much. I don't know, it just felt off to me. 

Anyway, after that declaration, The Empty appears and absorbs both Billie and Castiel. That leaves Dean all alone mourning his friend. And, at the same time, all the people from the Apocalypse World, and not only them, disappear leaving Sam and Jack all alone. And with everyone gone, Sam, Dean and Jack are faced with the fact that they're all alone on this and only them can face God.

The ending, as well as the preview, are so stressful. I thought I had an idea where the show was going but I don't think I know anything anymore. I mean, I still stand by my prediction of Sam being God but I read another theory that complements my own which is, indeed, Sam will be God, but also Dean will be Amara aka the Darkness, Castiel the new Empty and Jack the new Death which, if we think about it, makes a lot of sense. One has already happened - Castiel 'died' and went to The Empty so that might come into play again, then we also see in this episode that Jack has some new power that makes things die so that really supports the idea of him becoming Death and then it's kind of obvious, and I've been saying this for awhile, Sam has always been the good one so he has to become God and then there can't be light without darkness and Dean has always been the 'darker' one so, I never thought about that but he can become the Darkness (Sam and Dean are also brothers, just like Chuck and Amara) and he can also stay on Earth and still fight monsters because, let's be honest, the show has to end with, at least, one of them still haunting. I don't know, I feel like that theory, which supports what I've been saying for a long time, is something that is nice and impactful at the same time and a great way to end the series.

Okay, I've said enough for one post so, let me know what you thought of this episode, how you feel about Castiel's death and what you thought about the whole 'declaration' and tell me your theories and if you agree with 'mine' and I'll see you in the second to last episode.



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