Spoiler Alert!
Hey there guys!
I know... I'm kind of late with this post, but I watch the show on HBO Portugal and I was waiting for the episode to be available. I hope you forgive me.
So, this episode was all about Zoey's birthday and, to be honest, about getting some clarity on a lot of things - mainly the romances in the show. Yes, this episode was a lot about love and romantic relationships and... I guess the show went the route that I really didn't want it to go but at the same time I'm not mad at it and I understand. And I'm just gonna say it - Zoey chose Simon.
I guess it was a matter of time before it happened but as a Zoey&Max shipper (do they have a ship name?) I was a bit disappointed. It's clear that Max still has feelings for Zoey and she was obviously jealous of whatever is happening between him and Rose so... I guess things can change any minute, and I hope they do. For now, let's see where this thing between Zoey and Simon goes...
Something else that I enjoyed was that they addressed the flirting with Aiden. Of course Mo was the one to bring it up first, but then we see Aiden "sort of" talk about it with Zoey's brother and then we get confirmation that Aiden indeed has feelings for Zoey when he sings at her party. And then she clarified that nothing could happen between them, mainly because of the age difference but also because they're in different phases of their lives. Part of me also thinks she said no to him because of Simon, but the previous things were what she said to Aiden. Anyway, I'm just glad that they addressed this "love triangle" and put an end to it - Zoey already has too many love interests, she doesn't need another one. The only bad thing with Aiden not being in the picture anymore is that David doesn't have a band anymore. The good thing is, that opens a number of different possibilities for the development of his character so, that's exciting!
Something else that is exciting is the possible romance between Tobin and one of the new girls at SPRQ Point. It was pretty obvious, to be honest, that something was going on there, but they haven't talked about that (not the show, nor with each other) so I guess we'll see where that leads.
Finally, I need to talk about Mo and his fire inspector friend that revealed in this episode that he's divorced and has two kids. That was sort of a deal breaker for Mo but with a little encouraging from Zoey, Mo realized that he shouldn't give up on him and I guess he gave him a chance so... Again, we'll see where that goes.
And that's pretty much it. I would rather see Zoey go back to Max but I don't hate Simon or anything so, maybe they work better than her with Max. Oh, and I completely forgot - the musical numbers in this one weren't my favorites. They did have an original song (the one that Aiden sang to Zoey) and that was interesting but, apart from that, the only one that I enjoyed was the "Into You" one but again, that was between Zoey and Simon so... I liked it, but not my fave.
Anyway... Let me know what you thought of the episode, what you thought about Zoey picking Simon and I'll see you pretty soon with a new rant!
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