
Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies | Season 37 Episode 13 - "Titanic"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everyone!

I don't even have to say anything (about The Sinner) have I? I'm actually debating if I will even start my reviews on the new season so, if you really want me to, let me know because we're on episode 4 already and I haven't even started. But we're not here to talk about The Sinner, we're here to talk about The Challenge so, let's do it.

What can I say... This was another boring episode. Boring because it was the same old Team winning and the same old rookies going into elimination. I mean, things did change a bit when it comes to the elimination (which I'll get into in a minute) but as far as daily challenges go, it was the same as in the previous 5 episodes or so and it's getting really tiring and honestly annoying! 

Every single week is the same thing - I predict that the Ruby Team will win and they never do. They get close, but just like Cory said 'close is not close enough', and it just annoys me that it's always the Emerald Team to win. This time I didn't even want the Sapphire Team to win, but Emerald winning is even more annoying. Mostly because they just have the advantage of having more people and, for most of these challenges, they benefit of having more people. I guess the other teams just have to win in order to not loose people but, once they won the first time, they already had an advantage so... It's just not really fair for most of these challenges. 

Then, there's also the fact that no one takes a shot on going into their team! I mean, I can't blame them, because I wouldn't want to either, but someone has too in order to have other teams winning and, until this point, no one had the guts to do so, and that's the only reason why I wanted Cory to win the elimination because, yes, he was the Agency vote.

There was this whole thing about them not sending Logan in which, I get it, but I like Logan so I didn't want him to go into the Lair, but well... He went anyway because Cory picked him. So, on that regard, the episode was pretty intense - the elimination was good and got me really torn on who I was rooting for. On one hand we had Cory, who I don't hate and would love to see mess up Emerald's game, but on the other hand we had Logan, who I really like and is a rookie and usually I'm rooting for the underdogs so... I guess, deep down, I was rooting for Logan because I was happy when he won! But I really wanted to see someone infiltrate Emerald. Oh well, not this time.

However, Logan did infiltrate the Sapphire Team and took Kyle's place, who got back to the Ruby Team, where I started. And I guess, because of that, I keep on rooting for Ruby. Although, right now, I don't think they really have a shot, not without Cory (who was the one holding that team together) and not after that preview.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Emerald will win again because the main focus of the preview, or what I remember the best, is Josh saying to Amanda that he wants to run the final with Nany and Kaycee, which just leads me to think that Emerald will win, they will throw Amanda into elimination, who will most likely pick Big T to go against (cause she's not going to pick Ashley and I doubt she will pick Emy either) and, because we saw in an earlier preview Tori with a red arm thing, I'm pretty sure Amanda wins and takes Tori's place (which matches with what Josh said). Of course I would prefer Big T to win and I actually think she would go to Emerald as well and actually take Tori's place too so... I don't know... Something tells me that Amanda wins though, but I hope I'm wrong.

And I guess that's it from me. Overall this was a pretty boring episode with the only nice thing being Logan wining the elimination... and that's it. Let me know what you thought and what do you think is going to happen on the next episode and yeah, I'll talk to you on my next rant.



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