
Friday, April 29, 2022

The Flash | Season 8 Episode 12 - "Death Rises"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!

Back with a new The Flash rant and... honestly, I don't have a lot to say.

I was supposed to post this yesterday, I know, but I wasn't feeling very well, but when I thought about writing the post, I had no idea what happened in the episode. It's crazy because I didn't hate it, but I guess it was just a really forgettable episode. I spoke with a few people on twitter during my live tweeting and I mentioned that the next episode looked like a filler episode (just like this one) and people disagreed that this was a filler episode because it was about Deathstorm which it is true but I felt like it didn't really move the plot that much.

This episode started right where the last one left off, with Deathstorm attacking Caitlin and Barry going to her rescue just to end up not affecting Deathstorm in the slightest. This then led to Deathstorm going on a killing spree and then Kramer sending the CCPD to protect everyone out on the streets. That was actually a really interesting thing that happened in this episode because I feel like, most of the time, the police doesn't do the smart thing, which wasn't the case this time.

Without any other plans, Barry realizes that Cecile's powers might help them track Deathstorm which... honestely, was a really lame plot device. I don't want to be harsh but Danielle Nicolet just isn't good at playing villains (heck, I'm starting to realize that she's not really that good overall - that, or it is what it's given to her that is complete trash) so, when Deathstorm possesses her, it just seemed so fake...

However, with all of this, and with another thing that happens to Allegra, we find out that Deathstorm doesn't want to harm Cailin, on the contrary - he wants to make her his bride but she isn't ready yet.

Team Flash then deduces that Ronnie's grief was transported away by the singularity, and that it's been travelling for years. I know, it's a lot to understand and I don't even understand it myself but I guess, in a way, Deathstorm is Ronnie... Or at least, part of him...

Post that, of course they come up with some type of device that I'm not going to attempt to explain that might harm Deathstorm, and Frost volunteers to harness it. That's how this plot ends for this episode, but there's something else going on - the Iris storyline.

Yes, I know, I had forgotten about it myself but something actually happened in this episode. Iris returns. Turns out, her time sickness pulled her into the Still Force and saved her. However, it infected Deon, which prevents him from seeing Iris' future and, in the end, even makes him vanish! On top of that, later that night Eddie appears in her apartment - and that's how the episode ends.

As you can see not a lot happened. I mean, the Iris storyline had some major things happening but, honestly, the Deathstorm storyline is way more interesting to me... I have no idea if both stories will intertwine in the future but, as of now, this looks like a way out for Candice Patton to leave the show... That's just my opinion. Grant Gustin almost didn't sign for the next season and we all know that the next season will most likely be the last one and, with so many actors leaving, it's safe to assume that Candice might be the next one... We'll see.

Let me know what you thought of this episode, do you think this was a filler episode? Or do you think there was enough here to move the plot along? Tell me all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in my next rant!


Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Flash | Season 8 Episode 11 - "Resurrection"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

Back with the only show I'm review at the moment - The Flash.

This was the episode that we have all been waiting for! After the reveal at the end of the last episode, we were all excited that Ronnie was (probably) coming back, but at the same time, we all thought it was so predictable all that was happening. Well, I guess it still was predictable in this episode, but they did switch some things up.

The beginning of the episode was pretty much what we saw in the preview - Caitlin realizing that it's Ronnie in the Black Fire, telling that to Team Flash and Barry not being 100% sure about her plan on bringing him back. Obviously I'm not going to get into the science of it all and their plan because I don't quite understand all of it. With The Flash, we pretty much have to accept that they know what they're doing and just go with it.

However, Cecile hears Ronnie begging her to set him free and, post that, Barry and the other decide that it's probably best if they just trap him in the sphere and, as he asked, set him free (which is basically killing him again). Of course Frost stays on Caitlin's side and the both of them form a plan of their own.

During this whole episode we also get a bunch of flashbacks from Caitlin and Ronnie, how their relationship developed and, ultimately, how they got engaged - which leads us to the final 'battle' of the episode.

The Black Flame goes to the place where Caitlin and Ronnie got engaged and Barry and Team Flash follow it and try to trap the flame in the sphere. But then Caitlin and Frost arrive and destroy it. Caitlin uses the quantum splicer that they worked on to 'fix' Ronnie and he does appear but he faints right after.

Later that night Ronnie awakens and reveals to Caitlin that, guess what?! He isn't the real Ronnie and transforms into Deathstorm!

As I said, we all thought Ronnie was coming back, which he did in a way, but some people also thought this black flame was Deathstorm so... I guess in the end we were all right and the writers aren't that smart because we all thought of all the possibilities.

I am really curious to see where this new villain takes us in the story because this honestly looks like a really interesting villain! Not a speedster and one that looks pretty hard for Barry to defeat so... Let's bring it on!

Oh, there was also some things happening with Iris storyline ultimately ending with Tinya making Iris disappear and Sue going to Barry to tell him what happened.

I'm also interesting in this whole Iris situation, but I think there's way too much going on. Deathstorm looks like a difficult villain to defeat and there's this whole time thing happening to Iris, as well as the whole Tinya situation... Yeah, it looks way too much but... We'll see.

And I guess that's it from me. I am curious to see where all of this takes us but the show isn't there yet. It's not as good as it used to be and, honestly, all the new characters aren't really doing it for me... I miss Cisco, I miss Harry/Harrison/all his identities, I miss Ralph, I miss Julian and it looks like Joe is leaving the show as well so... There's not a lot of people that I truly like left so... It really is time for the show to end. We still have Season 9 because it was renewed but I hope that is the last season.

Anyway, let me know what you thought of this episode. Did you predict all of it? Or did you think Ronnie was really back? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant!


Friday, April 8, 2022

Peaky Blinders | Season 6 Episode 6 - "Lock and Key"

Spoiler Alert!

Oh My God! What was that episode?!

This is the Peaky Blinders that I know and love and I'm so happy this is how we're ending this perfect series!

Season 6 wasn't my favourite, that's the truth, but the show couldn't have ended in a better way! And there's so much to talk about, I don't even know where to start.

I guess I should start by saying that this episode had 1h21min, which means a lot happened! There were multiple plots here... With every deal that Tommy made this season, there's someone to 'take care of'. Although this was the last person to 'take care of', we start the episode with Michael being released from prison and promising to kill Tommy.

Then, we move on to that dinner Tommy had with Mosley, Diana and Lizzie, and we see the aftermath of that - with Lizzie leaving Tommy and the later allowing Charles to go with her. And now the real work begins.

So Tommy has business in Canada (Miquelon Island) and so he sends the rest of the Peaky Blinders to dismantle his house. In this meeting he gives false information (only telling the truth in Gypsy so only the trusthworthy ones can understand) - he tells them when to go to his house and Arthur follows up by saying that he will stay in the Garrisson celebrating his wedding aniversary with his wife - all of this so Billy can tell false information to the IRA (the next ones to 'take care of').

This plan is executed in two stages. First, at Tommy's house, Isaiah and Duke interrogate Billy and when this one doesn't say much, they tell Finn to kill Billy. Instead, he tries to kill Duke - what he doesn't know is that the gun doesn't have the first two bullets so he fails at killing Duke (and Billy, for that matter), which leads to Duke killing Billy and Finn being cut from the business entirely.

The second part of this plan takes plan at the Garrison, where Arthur is. The IRA goes there to kill Arthur but, of course, Tommy knows better and the Peaky Blinders had their own plan, which ended with Arthur, Charlie and Jeremiah catpuring the IRA. After a shootout in Garrison Lane, Captain Swing and the other IRA members are killed and finally Arthur avenges Polly's death.

With the IRA and Billy taken care of, there's only one last person to deal with - Michael.

As I said in the beginning, after Michael gets out of prison, he heads to Miquelon Island where he plans to kill Tommy. His gang had put a bomb with a timer of 30 minutes in a car, which Tommy sits in alone after meeting with Michael. The bomb explodes and Michael says that it's done. What he doesn't know is that Johnny Dogs had switched the bomb into another car, the car where Michael's associates where in which means they were the ones killed and not Tommy.

Michael's face after he leaves the pub and finds Tommy alive was priceless! Great acting! There's a few words switched between them but of course someone has to die, and since Michael failed at killing Tommy, that only means one thing - Tommy kills Michael with a bullet in his head (specifically his eye). 

With all his business complete, Tommy says his final goodbyes to his family, with none of them knowing (apart from Arthur who saw the exams and had a pretty sad moment with Tommy earlier in the episode) that he has inoperable tuberculoma.

We fast forward one month, where we see Tommy in an unknown location, getting ready to shoot himself when, suddenly, he has a vision of Ruby, who tells him that he's not will and that he must light a fire and get warm. And that's when the most shocking thing happens! Tommy goes to where he had set a fire and in there he sees a newspaper with a picture of Diana and Mosley's wedding and guess who's in that photo as well? The damn doctor that told him was sick!!

That's right, turns out this was Mosley's plan all along - as Tommy said, they realised no one could kill Tommy Shelby besides Tommy Shelby himself so they made him think that his only way out was to kill himself. That's actually brilliant and something that didn't cross my mind. I guess we have all been thinking that Tommy was going to die by the end of the series so we never really questioned this - the writers did an amazing job at tricking us!

Post this, Tommy goes to the doctors house to kill him but decides not to. The series ends with Tommy returning to his camping ground and watches as a man sets his wagon alight and all his remaining possesions burn. He gets on his horse and rides off into the hills. The perfect way to end the series!

This series finale really had everything - tied loose ends, got revenge for most of the characters, had a ton of characters that we love back (including Alfie) and an amazing ending for Thomas Shelby - the only thing missing is really Mosley getting what he deserves (him and his wife) apart from that Perfect!

And I guess that's the end of Peaky Blinders... It's super bitersweet but I'm super happy with the ending so yeah... I'm satisfied. Let me know what you thought of the ending. Did you like it? Did you not? Did you think Tommy was going to die? Tell me everything and... I guess there's only The Flash airing right now so... I'll see you in the next The Flash rant.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Flash | Season 8 Episode 10 - "Reckless"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

(I know, I know... Super later with that Peaky Blinders rant... let's not talk about that)

So, I'm back with one more The Flash rant and... This was the most basic and lame The Flash episode ever. It's not even that it was boring, it's just that it was pretty uneventful... This whole episode revolved around Frost, which wasn't bad because I really like her but... Meh! It just feels like not much happened and what did happen was in those last seconds of the episode and it was really predictable! But let's rewind the events of the episode.

The episode actually began with them addressing the whole Iris situation, and something different happened - they actually told Barry, which I wasn't expecting to happen this soon. And basically Deon tells them that Iris is causing time to fracture around her. This whole situation is addressed once again later in the episode but the overall plot was the whole Frost thing so... Let's talk about that now.

It all begins when Frost is attacked by the black flame, to which they think might be because it is attracked to the cold of Frost's powers (her cryokinetic abilities). Realising that, Frost contacts Carla (her and Caitlin's mother) to work on a plan to use her abilities as bait and try to trap the flame in a fusing sphere. Of course that doesn't end well and sends Barry down a spiral about if he should use his friends as bait and injure them if something happens.

Luckily, Barry and Caitlin, who were mad that Frost used herself as bait, got around to it and, along with Carla (Frost and Caitlin's mother) they work on a new plan to use Frost and Carla's powers together to attrack the flame (because yes, turns out Carla is developing some ice powers as well).

However, that new plan doesn't work either and sends Carla to cardiac arrest and, agaisnt Carla's will, Frost pulls her out and saves them both - the thing is, they still couldn't trap the flame and so both plans went down the drain...

Meanwhile... Remember that Iris storyline with Tinya? Well, yes... Sue and Iris are still helping Tinya find her mother and they do eventually find her but it's in that moment that Iris's eyes flash green and when Tinya's mother goes to help Iris, she touches her and vanishes in a green light.

But that's not the end of the episode. The episode actually ends with the Black Flame appearing now to Caitlin and, instead of attacking her, it speaks to her - using Ronnie's voice and words. 

Well, are we surprised?! I mean, I didn't think of that initially but while on twitter I saw a lot of people talking about Ronnie and I instantly thought that must be it! I mean... The preview makes it look like it might be a set up and it might still be but I think it would be really good for the show to bring back Ronnie and for once it would make sense! But yeah... That was it for this episode.

Although this did move the plot along, it also didn't do much... Also, there's two storylines going on right now and I'm not sure which one is like the main story of the season. Initially I thought the Black Flame would be the big bad of the season but, if it does end up being Ronnie, it doesn't make sense that he is the big bad of the season... At the same time, Iris' storyline looks a lot more intense and, honestly, it looks like it matters a lot more to Barry and since he's the main character... I guess that might turn out to be the main story of the season... But we'll see.

That's it from me but let me know what you thought of the episode and which one do you think will be the main focus of the season? Tell me in the comments and I'll talk to you soon with that Peaky Blinders rant.


Friday, April 1, 2022

Peaky Blinders | Season 6 Episode 5 - "The Road to Hell"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

Back again, now with the long overdue Peaky Blinders review. Unfortunately, I'm just not really feeling this season. I mean, last week's episode was pretty good and definitely my favourite this season, but I feel like there's way too much going on and the main story that interests me hasn't been as well explored as I wanted it to be.

Honestly, I really enjoyed how the episode started, with Tommy entering the Chinese shop to stop them from selling Opium to Arthur (in an attempt that I assume is to get Arthur back on track in order for him to take care of the business and the family once Tommy is gone). 

After that Tommy introduces Duke as his son and, to be honest, this plot is coming really out of nowhere and I feel like we didn't really need it. I guess this is to show both of Tommy's side in each of his sons, as he says to Duke later in the episode - one of them is the light and the other is the dark (we all assumed Duke was the dark but I saw a theory online saying that Charles might be the dark since he has grown with Tommy and learning his 'shady business' while Duke grew up with the love of his mother). 

Back to Arthur, we do have Linda back, which is kind of bittersweet. Still, there's some Peaky Blinder's sh*t happening in this episode when Arthur, Finn, Isaiah and Billy kill a guy, making Billy a target of Jack Nelson. 

Something else that really came out of nowhere was Tommy sleeping with Diana. What?! He does this as 'a payment for Diana's cause' but later on we find out that this was Mosley's plan all along - for Tommy to be unfaithful and then showing up at his house and revealing it to Lizzie. 

The episode ends with what we have been expecting all this time - Michael saying that he is, indeed, going to kill Tommy.

I don't know about you but this felt like, although there were a lot of plots, not much happened exactly. We've known about Michael ever since the last season so we've waited all this time for something to happen, and the same goes for Mosley, although there's more revolving around him - still, not enough for me.

Anyway, let's see what the last episode brings and in the meantime let me know your thoughts and predictions. I'll talk to you next week with the Series Finale rant!


The Flash | Season 8 Episode 9 - "Phantoms"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

I know, I know... Late as per usual. Honestly, I don't even know what to say about this episode... It was pretty lame! But I guess I'm a little bit to blame because, after last week's episode that was actually nice, I was somewhat excited about this episode and... It just disappointed me.

We do follow the same plot as in the last episode and, from the looks of it, this fire thing will be the season's bad guy. It's actually an interesting concept because, as we find out by the end of the episode, this is not a meta - the fire has a mind of it's own and is targeting people by iself (not controlled by someone). That is a nice thing and, finally, something different (not another speedster). However, they went in such a weird direction with this episode.

The episode starts with someone else dying but, this time, Barry and Chester find a tiny flame in the corpse. After that, Chester starts having nightmares of the flame breaking free from the glass it is contained and it then escalates to the flame actually targeting Chester - posing as his father in order to get Chester to go with him (aka die). That's when they realise that this fire, not only has it's own mind, but it's also targetting people that are dealing with grief (they also realise that after Joe lets them know that the latest victim was also dealing with grief).

Well, as you can expect, Chester was able to resist it and now Team Flash has to find a way to stop this fire from killing more people.

At the same time, we follow Iris and Sue (yes, Sue is back and no, they do not talk about Ralph - I'm still salty about everything that happened to Hartley and how they completely erased his character from the show) following the first meta in Coast City. They find her pretty quickly and there's a whole backstory but, honestly, I really didn't care that much for that side plot. I'm pretty sure Tinya will be relevant in future episodes but, for now, she did not interest me.

Lastly, Dion shows up and, after checking on Iris in the beginning of the episode, he comes back with bad news - and that's how the episode ends.

You know what, I feel like this whole Iris story-line is leading to her dying or something. I think it's pretty clear that Iris isn't really interacting with Team Flash anymore and we barely see her with Barry either, which is odd considering how much the 'supposedly' love each other. I think all of this is due to the chemistry between Candice and Grant just not being there. I might be making up something but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Grant doesn't really want to do physical stuff with her (or is it the other way around?) but I don't know... Again, I might be making this up. Either way, it's pretty clear that they do not have any sort of chemistry and I think it's about time they break up that relationship and the best way is to have Iris gone.

So, that's ir from me. I hope this story gets somewhere interesting (the one with the fire, I mean). Let  me know your thoughts on both story-lines and what do you think will happen to Iris? Do you think she'll be dead by the end of the season? Tell me everything and I'll talk to you soon with a (very late) Peaky Blinders rant!
