Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone!
Back with a new The Flash rant and... honestly, I don't have a lot to say.
I was supposed to post this yesterday, I know, but I wasn't feeling very well, but when I thought about writing the post, I had no idea what happened in the episode. It's crazy because I didn't hate it, but I guess it was just a really forgettable episode. I spoke with a few people on twitter during my live tweeting and I mentioned that the next episode looked like a filler episode (just like this one) and people disagreed that this was a filler episode because it was about Deathstorm which it is true but I felt like it didn't really move the plot that much.
This episode started right where the last one left off, with Deathstorm attacking Caitlin and Barry going to her rescue just to end up not affecting Deathstorm in the slightest. This then led to Deathstorm going on a killing spree and then Kramer sending the CCPD to protect everyone out on the streets. That was actually a really interesting thing that happened in this episode because I feel like, most of the time, the police doesn't do the smart thing, which wasn't the case this time.
Without any other plans, Barry realizes that Cecile's powers might help them track Deathstorm which... honestely, was a really lame plot device. I don't want to be harsh but Danielle Nicolet just isn't good at playing villains (heck, I'm starting to realize that she's not really that good overall - that, or it is what it's given to her that is complete trash) so, when Deathstorm possesses her, it just seemed so fake...
However, with all of this, and with another thing that happens to Allegra, we find out that Deathstorm doesn't want to harm Cailin, on the contrary - he wants to make her his bride but she isn't ready yet.
Team Flash then deduces that Ronnie's grief was transported away by the singularity, and that it's been travelling for years. I know, it's a lot to understand and I don't even understand it myself but I guess, in a way, Deathstorm is Ronnie... Or at least, part of him...
Post that, of course they come up with some type of device that I'm not going to attempt to explain that might harm Deathstorm, and Frost volunteers to harness it. That's how this plot ends for this episode, but there's something else going on - the Iris storyline.
Yes, I know, I had forgotten about it myself but something actually happened in this episode. Iris returns. Turns out, her time sickness pulled her into the Still Force and saved her. However, it infected Deon, which prevents him from seeing Iris' future and, in the end, even makes him vanish! On top of that, later that night Eddie appears in her apartment - and that's how the episode ends.
As you can see not a lot happened. I mean, the Iris storyline had some major things happening but, honestly, the Deathstorm storyline is way more interesting to me... I have no idea if both stories will intertwine in the future but, as of now, this looks like a way out for Candice Patton to leave the show... That's just my opinion. Grant Gustin almost didn't sign for the next season and we all know that the next season will most likely be the last one and, with so many actors leaving, it's safe to assume that Candice might be the next one... We'll see.
Let me know what you thought of this episode, do you think this was a filler episode? Or do you think there was enough here to move the plot along? Tell me all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in my next rant!