Spoiler Alert!
Hello people!
Can you believe that I actually liked this episode?! That's right, this week's episode of The Flash was actually a good one... In a way... It had such a sad ending though!
Everything about this episode caught me off guard! Not only I wasn't expecting to like it this much and to be so into it, but I also didn't expect that ending! I'm just going to say it... They killed off Frost! Can you believe that?! I mean, a lot of people have been saying that Caitlin was going to die but I highly doubted that, and honestely I didn't see anyone dying this soon (not even Iris) let alone Frost of all people! On top of that, they had to make me like Frost even more in this episode - that whole thing with Mark was so cute!
Actually, this whole episode was a surprise - starting with the beginning. Remember that Eddie thing that happened at the end of last episode?! Well, turns out that was due to Deathstorm as well... We knew this whole episode would be about Deathstorm tricking Team Flash into seeing their dead loved ones but I actually never thought he would target Iris because she has been so out of the whole Deathstorm storyline... She has her own issues and I honestely thought Eddie appearing was due to her time sickness, but no... Deathstorm wanted Caitlin to get everyone's grief in order to speed the process to become his bride so he went after everyone - Allegra with Esperanza, Chuck with his dad, Barry with his mum and Iris with Eddie.
That then starts a whole thing with Frost, where Deathstorm tells her that no one appears to her because she's not a 'real person' and that she can't feel grief. Obviously we know that's not true and it's Mark who makes Frost see that. The reason why no one appears to her is because she has burried her grief so much and she hasn't let herself feel it. That's when she actually feels the grief and the sadness about this whole situation with Caitlin that's when Frost becomes Hellfrost! (People mocked that name but I actually liked it).
Post that, they lure Deathstorm and Hellfrost manages to defeat Deathstorm and absorb his grief. It looked way too easy to me and I was kind of bummed that Deathstorm wasn't the villain for the remaining of the season but, as people told me on twitter, they're addapting three graphic novels in this season and this is the end of the second one so... I guess it makes sense. Still, I wanted more out of this villain - one of the best The Flash has ever had!
Anyway, the only thing left to happen is... Frost's actual death... She passes out after the fight with Deathstorm and Barry takes her to STAR Labs but they can't do anything and she ends up dying. Caitlin and Barry let the remaining of Team Flash know and they all break down in grief (Caitlin's reaction was actually so sad... I felt that!).
In hindsight, I guess it makes sense that, after all this storyline about grief, that someone actually dies... I just didn't want it to be Frost. I didn't want it to be Caitlin either so... I don't know... It's just really sad...
Well, let me know what you thought of this episode. Where you surprised with the outcome? Where you expecting Frost's death? How do you feel about the Deathstorm storyline coming to an end? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant!
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