
Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Flash | Season 9 Episode 11 - "A New World, Part Two"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

Back for another The Flash review and, just like that, they're back to the bad episodes.

I guess it really was hoping for too much to keep doing solid episodes... But the truth is, they had something really interesting to work with here, but instead on focusing on that, they decided to focus on something that doesn't make a lot of sense to begin with. What I'm talking about is the Khione storyline.

Don't get me wrong, I like Khione and her whole dynamic with Mark is really interesting, but her character since the begining felt odd and forced. Getting rid of both Frost and Caitlin so we could have Khione, on the final season of The Flash felt wrong and this episode just proved that they rushed this whole thing and it just doesn't sit ride with audiences.

Basically this whole episode was about Mark coming back, possessed by the blue crystal (as we later in the episode learn) and try to seperate Team Flash from each other in order to get to Iris. It's then that we learn that the blue crystal has something to do with the Negative Speed Force, and that's also when Nora (the Speed Force) appears to save Iris from 'Mark'. 

Also as I mentioned before, the other main plot of this episode was get Khione to her 'full potential' and that's her who 'defeats' Mark in a pretty cool scene, I might add, but again - everything felt really rushed.

Apart from that storyline, the other more interesting one dealt with Malcolm Gilmore - Eddie's doppleganger. We follow him trying to figure out who Eddie was and later in the episode he hears a voice telling him to find Iris. In all of this he ends up digging into Eddie's grave just to find it empty. The episode basically ends with him realizing that he is Eddie!

Well, needless to say that I was very confused with this last bit and with the episode in geral. Mainly because all of this was supposed to be happening at the same time as the events in the last episode - and that wasn't made very clear in this particular episode. It's also a shame that the main focus of the episode was the whole thing with the Negative Speed Force and with Khione because, honestly, the bits with Eddie were way more interesting. And with only two episodes left, needless to say that my hopes that the show will end on a high note are slim to none. The only thing that still gets me going now is the fact that Zoom hasn't appeared yet so he might be the villain at the end and I'm not mad at that. We'll see...

But I guess that's pretty much it from me for this episode. Unfortunately, not a good one. But let me know what you thought of this episode and do you think they'll manage to end the show in a good way? Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll talk to you next week!


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