
Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Challenge | Season 39 Episode 10 - "Feeling Used"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

The last few days have been crazy so, as per usual, I'm a bit late with this rant. However, I'm still posting this before the new episode comes out so... Better than the previous posts. Anyway, I guess I should just go into the episode and talk about how boring and exciting it was at the same time.

First of all, all the lead up to the elimination was pretty boring and predictable. I was wrong though about which Champ would come this episode, but I was still right about it being a guy. That made everything way more predictable, to be honest. The lead up to the daily challenge was mostly about Kyland and James (as if we didn't know already that they were at the bottom of everyone's list) and guess what?! They were both on the loosing Team and Kyland was straight away the choice of the winning Team. Which, if you really think about it, didn't make any sense! Horacio started with getting every one of them to say one name that they would not pick and no one said Corey's name as the person they want to keep safe so... Why not just pick Corey?! Seriously, going to Kyland made no sense but that just showed Kyland who he can trust (only Horacio and Zara). Then, as far as the actual daily challenge goes, it was pretty boring and, although I was rooting for the Orange Team (the one that ended up winning), I also despise a lot of the people in that Team. And, as much as it pains me to say, Jay is really going down on my list of my favourites. I really dislike what he's been doing this season and, as much as I want to say it's all due to Michele, I know it's Jay as well. So, at this point, the only people that I like are Kyland, Zara, Horacio and maybe Colleen. I like a good underdog.

Moving on to the Nominations, everything was up in the air but, at the same time, the choice was really obvious - James. They made it look like a lot of them were torn between James and Ed because Ed hasn't been talking game with anyone and then Ed started campaining to vote for Corey (which I'm all for) but, at the end of the day, basically all of them went with James who, believe it or not, I'm starting to like. He's not one of my favourites or anything but the guy is a genuine guy and isn't doing any of that politicking bullsh*t and I appreciate that about him. Plus, as I said, I like a good underdog and I just want all of them to team up and start gunning for Jay and Michele.

So, it was Kyland and James in the sand to possibly go in against... Darrell. I wish Darrell would have picked the Chaos in the draw but he got Kyland's name and thank god it wasn't a physical challenge. I know everyone wants to see physical challenges (I do too) but because I really wanted Kyland to win, I was really happy with the elimination. And I was even happier with the ending because Kyland won and not only he won against a Champ but he also showed everyone what he's capable of and I can't wait for him to go after Jay (which I'm pretty sure he will).

The episode ended with TJ telling them to gear up because they were going straight into a challenge and it looked like it was an eating challenge and I can't wait! They also showed CT in the preview but I doubt CT will appear in the next episode. There's still four champs left to show up and I think it will be a girls elimination next so maybe Laurel?! I'm pretty sure they'll leave Cara Maria and CT for last. I would love to see a double elimination though.

But I guess that's it from me. Next episode will air in about 24 hours so, in the meantime, let me know what you thought of this episode and who do you think will be the champ to show up next and I'll see soon (hopefully) with a new rant!


Friday, December 15, 2023

The Challenge | Season 39 Episodes 8 & 9 - "Struggling to Hold It Together" & "A Banana Split"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

Here I am with another double The Challenge rant and, while the last episodes were great with Big T winning and then Devin winning... Well, these two weren't so great.

First of all, the way episode 8 started got me really scared. I knew, as I said at the end of last week's rant, that Kaycee was going to be the Champ, so I knew it would be a female elimination (it could be a double elimination tho) and Zara was featured a lot in the beginning of the episode. But I guess this time they tricked me. Zara was not up for elimination because, fast forward, her Team won the daily challenge.

The week's challenge was one of those where they had to lock an put nots and stuff in front of a place and after 30 minutes, the teams would switch and they had to undo what the other team did. Well, Jay obviously had experience in the matter and he won against CT in this same challenge so he thought he had it in the bag. On the other side we had Kyland who also thought he would be really good because he had also done the same challenge. Well, clearly one had more experience (aka Jay) but, on Kyland's defense, they all went straight to the chains and someone had to give up and, in this case, Kyland's team gave up on the chain and was basically that (along with some other poor choices) that cost them the challenge.

With this outcome, things didn't look good for Melissa and Big T against and guess what?! Melissa was the one picked by the winning team and Big T was the one picked by the rest of her own team. That didn't mean the rest were safe because Kaycee could always take out "Chaos" in the draw but, unfortunately, that didn't happen. She took out Big T's name and, in that moment, I felt really bad for Big T. I really wanted her to win but I knew the chances were slim.

The elimination was a good old pole wrestle and you can figure out what happened next. Big T did put up a good fight but Kaycee ended up winning and I'm sad for Big T and pissed at everyone else!

As far as the latest episode goes (episode 9) it was extremely boring! Everything about this episode annoyed me so much and I hated how everything turned out. The only thing that I liked was Zara being safe from elimination again, but even that was super unfair, because she was in the three people team and, on top of that, the people she was teamed with - Ravyn and Asaf - are the worst! Seriously, I hate Ravyn. And it's not even that she's a bad person, she's just so annoying, so lame, and her game is the worst! Seriously, everyone left is so annoying and all the players that I was rooting for keep going home. Last week it was Big T and now, spoiler alert, Melissa! So unfair! Not only they were the most entertaining but they were also the best players! The only ones left that are Champ material are Zara, Horacio and Oliva. And even Olivia has become a bit annoying with teaming up with the US. I'm so sick of them rulling the Season. Colleen should have gotten all the "lay ups" and Team up. They have to stop being afraid of the US Team! Because, once they're done with the UK, who's next? Colleen, Ravyn, Asaf... They are next so why not Team up? And now, with this whole thing with Melissa going home, I really want Kyland to go far in the game and go against the US! I love Kyland and Horacio's alliance because truly, they are the only two players left with integrity.

And I guess there's not a lot more to talk about when it comes to this episode. The daily was kind of unfair, Melissa being picked again was a joke, them not doing anything about the US alliance is also a joke and Melissa loosing made me so mad! Only rooting for Kyland and Zara right now. Even Jay has become a bit annoying, all thanks to Michele who, at this point, I just can't stand! Let's hope the next Champ makes up for everything (who I believe will be CT). Until then, let me know your thoughts on both these episode and I'm sorry for doing two episodes in one post again!


Saturday, December 2, 2023

The Challenge | Season 39 Episode 6 & 7 - "The Big Mistake" & "So Flip Floppy"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!

So, I told you that this next post would take a bit longer because I was going away on holiday and well... Turns out, when I got back home, a new episode was just about to come out so I guess I just figured the best way to do it was to talk about both episodes 6 and 7 in the same post, I hope you don't mind.

I kind of wished I was able to talk about them seperately because both of them were really exciting! So let's not waste any time and get to it!

Episode 6, as the name suggests, was all about Big T! Honestly, I don't know why everyone was targeting Melissa and Big T, I mean... I know they are both each others number ones but they're just two! What can the both of them do alone?! (in terms of voting and stuff) Seriously, I don't know, but this whole episode revolved around getting both of them up for elimination, to the point where in the daily challenge, the two teams that they were not part of, basically 'team up' in order to just not have them win! Even their own team (which had Jay in it) was sabotaging themselves so they could put Melissa and Big T up for elimination... I just think that's so dumb... Anyway... They got what they wanted and their team lost so, right away, even though Kyland was in the winning Team, they went with Melissa (he was obviously outnumbered) and then, for the house vote, as much as Melissa really tried to get the house to vote for someone else (either Ravyn or Nurys) the house voted Big T... It was expected but I had hope they could turn the voted around.

Well, at the end of the day, and with how everything turned out to be, I'm glad they did what they did because Big T gave them a show! 

This episode's mercenary was Kaz which, to be fair, and although she did win two challenges, she's not really a champ... I'm sorry Kaz but you haven't been around enough to be considered a Champ. To the point that, she did go against Big T and guess what?! Big T won! So that only proves my point! Kaz won two challenges yes but one of them was by seconds (Zara deserved the win, to be fair) and the second one was alongside with Jordan so... Anyway... What matters in the end is that the house wanted Melissa and Big T out so much that, at the end of the day, both of them stayed! You go Big T!

As far as episode 7 goes... That one was way more exciting!

Although they didn't know at the beginning, it was a male elimination day (as you would assume, to be honest) and there were a few people that stood out right in the beginning of the episode - Horacio, Callum and Emanuel. And you know what that means, right?! I was afraid that it meant Horacio was going into elimination because it's obvious that everyone knows he's a big competition, but I'm glad I was wrong - instead, his Team (alongside with Big T and Kyland) won and so they had to choose a guy to go into elimination, which they chose Emanuel. I like Emanuel but I was fine with their choice. Then, came the big drama of the episode.

No one was really talking about who was going to be the house vote, there was no big name but Corey was the only name that was floating around. For multiple reasons, to be honest, but because he had been talking to Big T and Melissa and being sort of part of their alliance, I wasn't really into him going into elimination... Well, that is when his true colors came out! Basically he straight up said in nominations that he has been lying to Big T all this time and that he wasn't part of their alliance and he was using that in order to get information to his true alliance - the US alliance - which is so shady because 1) there were conversations with Big T about her sexuality and stuff and that's just something you don't mess with and 2) he never said anything to the US alliance so... No one knew and it was only himself who decided to do that. Well, I'm happy that, in the end, he was nominated anyway because, now more than never, no one can really trust him, right?! I'm just sad that he didn't got what he deserved... Still, we got an hell of a show!

So, mercenary of the week?! Devin! And I can't believe how my love for Devin has changed over the years! I used to despise him and now I completely love him and was so happy to see him in this episode! I was afraid that he wouldn't be able to beat Corey (because, let's be real, I was really hoping Devin would go against Corey to send him home) but, of course, it had to be Devin to take out the third option in the Draw and guess what?! That meant Devin was the one to pick who he wanted to go against out of every guy! Everyone apart from Horacio and Kyland because they own the daily so they were safe. And if we know one thing about Devin is that, just like Bananas, he likes to stir the pot and, of course, he chose someone else! Big T did tell him to pick Corey but Devin wants to create drama and so he went with Michele's boo - Calum. That was seriously unexpected but truly, we should have seen that coming because Calum was really prominent in the beginning of the episode. 

Honestly, it was a really tight race and, for the first time this season, I was rooting for the mercenary, and thankfully Devin won! 

This really shook the house and I can't wait to see how this will afect the next episodes. From the preview, it looks like it will the Kaycee the mercenary and it also looked like there will be yet another fight between Melissa and Nurys and I'm team Melissa all the way so I hope I get to see Nurys in the sand going against Kaycee. Kaycee is a wild card so, depending on who she's going against, she has a big chance of winning but we'll see. If it is against Nurys I hope she wins, if it is against Melissa or Big T or Zara (which are my favourite girls) I hope she looses. Anyway, we don't really know if it is Kaycee either but it's what it looked like to me.

Anyway, let me know what you thought of these two episodes - were you rooting for Big T in episode 6? Or are you team US alliance? What are your thoughts on what Corey did? And how do you feel about Devin? Did he grow on you like he did with me? Tell me everything in the comments and I'll see you next week with a new episode!
