
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 1 - "Legacy"

Spoiler Alert!

Omg you guys, Arrow is finally back! And with a freaking good episode!
I got to be honest with you, I wasn't really expecting much from this episode. First, because of all the 'Team Arrow' members 'leaving' and also because The Flash's episode wasn't really what I thought it would be, so my expectations for this episode were really low.
But, I was so wrong because this episode was so good!
First of all, I gotta say, for once, the flashbacks seem to actually be related to the season and, also for once, I'm really excited for them.
I've always liked the Bratva 'theme' in some of the episodes, so maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm so into this season's flashbacks, or maybe it's just because this time they are actually good, who knows?!
Also, although the team is kind of 'falling apart' or is already 'apart', I'm actually liking the idea of having a 'new team' and I'm liking this storyline, because, even without the Team together, they are still in the picture, so that's fine by me.
In this episode we got see something that I was really curious to see, Oliver as the mayor. Although in the beginning he was kind of away but his speeches are always so inspiring! I don't know it that's just me but I just love his speeches.
I also really liked to see Oliver and Felicity's interation because things in the end of last season were really weird between them so it's nice to see that they are ok with each other again and that she's still part of the Team.
And, of course, we have to talk about the big bad guy this season, who seems to be Tobias Church, although in the very last minutes of the episode we saw another archer, which seems to be up to no good so, I don't know which is going to be the main big bad. I'm way more curious about this 'dark archer' (which I secretly suspect he's Malcolm but I don't know) then with Tobias. Tobias isn't really that interesting to me, to be honest, and I don't even know what's his 'goal', why is he bad so... Kind of confused.
Someone else that I'm quite enjoying so far is Quentin. He never was that relevant but I liked him in this episode. All the talks with Oliver and such, also really inspirational and I love Paul Blackthorne so...
And, of course, Curtis! I swear to god, I love Curtis! I can't wait to see him as Mr. Terrific, really excited for that!
So, yeah... This episode was basically an introdution to new bad guys, as Tobias kidnaps Oliver and other 'important' people and then with the help of some police officers, as well as the 'usual' team (now Felicity and Quentin), get to rescue the hostages.
Oh, and I got to metion my least favourite part in this episode. I was so excited because, as the episode was ending I just thought to myself 'what a great episode!' but then, something happens. Felicity with another guy! As an hardcore Olicity shipper I hated it! Like seriously, really hated that part! Felicity can't be over Oliver already! I mean, who would be?!
Anyway, this are my thoughts about the episode. Overall, great! Aside from that last thing that I mentioned.
Let me know in the comments what you thought about this episode and please tell me I'm not the only one feeling that way about seem Felicity with another man.

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