
Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 22 - "Infantino Street"

Spoiler Alert!

This episode was just wow!
So, here I am with the last rant of the day and it is the pre-finale the flash episode!
Oh my god, where should I start?!
This episode had basically everything and, before you even think about it, no, I'm not that shocked or sad about Iris death in the end. Because 1) I'm not a huge fan of Iris 2) I think it would be a great ending to have her dead and 3) Seriously guys?! Do you reall think that she's dead for real?
I wasn't going to start with this but oh well, let's just jump right into the good stuff.
Seriously, do you really think they would kill off Iris?! I mean, like I said, I think it would be a great ending because, with this TV Shows they are always bringing characters back and such and it would be nice to have a character dead for good but really? I don't believe for a second that she's really dead and, if she really is, I'm going to be really surprised! Although, deep down, I'll enjoy that ending. Anyway, let's get back to the beginning of the episode.
As we already knew, there's only one thing that they can use in the "Speed Force Bazooka", and that's one piece of the Dominator's tech that is held on ARGUS. Deep down, he already know basically everything that was going to happen. They find about it, they ask Lyla, she says no, Barry goes back in time to get Snart and he helps Barry get it. And guess what?! That's exactly what happens.
What we didn't know was the part where they see King Shark and what woud they do?! 
Snart actually has a pretty good plan and everything goes smoothly until they actually steal the tech and the door begin to close, which leads to Barry running out but Snart getting stuck inside with King Shark. Luckily, Cisco manages to hack into the building (or whatever) and Snart is able to get out of there. But, of course, we couldn't leave it there, Lyla ends up finding them but, in the end, she just lets them go with the tech, which, in a way, I think it was just nonsense. I mean, this shows clearly that the writters just wanted Barry to go through all of that because, in the end, Lyla just ends up giving him that. She could've just give him that right in the beginning but now, we had to go through all of that.
Anyway, those were good scenes, but I just don't think that last part made much sense.
Back to STAR Labs, they get to build the Bazooka and then they come up with a plan, but without Barry knowing it. That's when Cisco vibes his battle with Caitlin/Killer Frost and he just goes there to fight her and try to get her 'back to normal'.
Meanwhile, that last part of the episode happens. The one that we've been seeing all this season.
Barry actually gets to use the Bazooka but it didn't work because Savitar was wielding the Philosopher's Stone. This leads to the very end where Savitar ends up 'really' killing Iris and leaving.
And the episode basically ends up with that, a sad song, and a video that Iris left on Barry's phone saying her wedding vows.
It was pretty sad/cute the ending but I still don't buy it.
Just a side note before I end this rant... I kind of missed Julian in this. I mean, he has been working with them as well and I think we haven't seen him a while so... I missed him.
Ok, that's it guys.
I wonder what is going to happen in the next and last episode because I though this was going to be what was going to happen in the last episode but I was wrong.
Also, we've seen some 'leak' photos of a funeral and some other stuff and, not only Iris was there, but there was a funeral, which means, someone is going to die.
I still think it's going to be HR and this episode had a lot of hints of that, with him saying that STAR Labs was his home and then, in the end, saying 'goodbye' to Cisco... I think he did something and that's how Iris doesn't die so... I don't know, let's see what happens.
Let me know which are your thoughts on this episode and what do you think is going to happen in the Season Finale. Do you think Iris is really dead? Who do you think is going to die? Let me know everything.
I'll see you (maybe) tomorrow with a new rant!

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