
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

American Horror Story: Cult | Season 7 Episode 1 - "Election Night"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone! Here we are with a brand new American Horror Story season, which promises a lot.
I've been paying a lot of attention in this last months to everything that is said and all the previews about AHS' new season and I got to say, I was pretty excited to see what this season was going to be all about.
The previews looked pretty good so, obviously, I couldn't wait for the first episode. Unfortunately, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I still liked it and I still think this season is going to be pretty good, I just wasn't amazed with this first episode.
First episodes never are good, in my opinion, but as the series keeps going, I believe its going to catch up and it's going to become something pretty good and I'm expecting one of the best, if not the best American Horror Story season so far. 
Like I said, nothing really new happened in this episode, pretty much everything that we saw in the first trailer.
The episode starts, like the title, in the Election Night, with Sarah Paulson's character, Ally, really upset that Donald Trump won. On the other end of the spectrum is Kai (Evan Peters), who is thrilled that Donald Trump won, and here is the first 'change' from what everyone was expecting.
From the preview, everyone thought that Kai was also against Donald Trump, but it seems like he's the only one happy about the fact that he actually won.
Obviously, this is a pretty good metafor for the types of people that like Trump and for the people that like Hillary - the 'messed up' ones like Trump. 
After that, we are also introduced to Billie Lourd's character - Winter - who is also devastated that Donald Trump won, and that's in that moment that we learn that Kai and Winter are actually Brother and Sister (which everyone already thought they were).
We then see a familiar scene. Not exactly the one that we do know, but a similiar one. A couple about to have sex in the woods when Twisty appears and basically kills them. After we see that that's only a story from Twisty's comic book, which Oz (Ally and Ivy's son) is reading. Ally seems the comic book and she gets into panic attack mode because of her fear for clowns.
After that we see Kai attending a city council meeting about security for the local Jewish community center and that's when we find out all the stuff that we've seen in previews about fear and all that. Kai believes that people love fear so, therefore, they shouldn't do anything. The city council disagrees and the motion is passed, which leaves Kai angry and he basically threatens them saying that the worst thing in the world is an humiliated men. We later see Kai harassing a group of Hispanic men on the streets by filling a condom with his urine and throwing it at them, ending up with those men beating him up and with someone filming it (which I assume it's Winter).
Meanwhile, Ally is in the grocery store and she is supposedly attacked by clowns, which we later find out that she's probably just allucinating or something.
Winter is then interviewed to be Oz's new nany, at the same time we see her talking to Kai in some weird way and that's what lead us to believe that they're working together.
Winter is hired as Oz's new nany and, at night, she sees him drawing Twisty, which leads her to showing Oz videos and images of murders and dead bodies on the dark web, stating that she's "vaccinating" him.
While they're doing that, Oz goes to the window and sees Clowns getting out of an Ice Cream truck.
Ally and Ivy get back home and thats's when they see the police outside, in their street, and find out that the Changs (a couple friend of them, who was also in the city council) were murdered.
The episode then ends up with Ally waking up to discover a clown in her bed instead of Ivy and subsequently screaming in terror.
Like I said, not much happened that we didn't already know. Yes, we found out that Kai actually wanted Trump to win, but apart from that, it was just to 'introduce' us to the characters, which is nice but, once again, I was expecting a little bit more.
Nonetheless, I expect a lot from the rest of the season and I'm still super excited and can't wait for the next episode!
Well, I guess that's pretty much it.
Hope you liked it! Let me know all your thoughts and this season premiere and I'll see you later with a new The Challenge rant!

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