
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 12 - "Boxed In"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow, so this was an hell of an episode!
Hello guys and welcome back to a brand new The Challenge rant!
I gotta say, I was pretty excited for this episode but I would never thought what happned would happen. Not much drama happened in it, which I quite like, so the twists were all about the actual game and I'm seriously so stoked about it. I have a lot of predictions so read until the end to find out.
So, we start the episode with finding out who the winners of last challenge were going to pick for the elimination and I've already seen a preview on MTV's youtube channel that CT and Camila were going to pick Dario and Hunter, of course, was going to pick Jordan, but we didn't know who Kailah was going to pick but, to be honest, it was quite obvious - she ended up picking Dario.
As for the girls, both Camila and Kailah chose Veronica, Hunter voted on Jemmye as a 'burn vote' but CT also voted in Veronica so, Dario and Veronica for elimination and everyone else for the draw (apart from the winners, of course).
It was quite overwhelming, to be honest, to see like the whole cast on the draw, but it was even more overwhelming for the guys, since all of them are players that I quite like and since all of them are in an alliance so, I was really afraid who was going to vote and in who he was going to vote. But, pretty soon it was obvious that, whoever got the double cross, was going to vote for Tony and so it was. Actually, Jordan got pretty lucky (or not, depends on where you stand) and got the double cross again and yeah, he voted Tony in, against Dario. For the girls, Tori got the double cross and, of course, she sent in Aneesa, against Veronica, which I was happy about.
The challenge was pretty simple and as soon as we find out what it really is I knew that Tony was going to win, which he did, and I was really happy about that and then I thought Veronica had better chances against Aneesa, but I wasn't sure of anything. Still, I was right and she did win against Aneesa, which I was also happy about because, although I don't really like Veronica, I don't like Aneesa at all so I was really happy about that. The only downfall though was the fact that yes, they're going to the redemption house, which means they might still come back.
After that, I was really afraid they were going to put a lot of drama in the episode just to get to the 45 minutes but, luckily, we got to see another challenge and I was super stoked about it! And then, comes the biggest twist - the winner team of this challenge not only was going to pick a guy and a girl to send to the elimination but also choose a guy and a girl straight to the redemption house! Like, what?! That was a major plot twist, mainly because the 'underdogs' are getting 'mad' and are thinking about sending home the big dogs so, obviously I was worried about Bananas.
Anyway, about the challenge. 
It wasn't that hard... It involved a puzzel but the first part of the challenge, althought it wasn't that bad, I wouldn't be able to do it. They basically had to stratch a wall to find out some numbers and stratching (mainly walls) are one of my biggest pet peeves. I mean, I don't even know if I can call it a pet peeve, I just know I can't stand it, it makes me so uncomfortable and I just can't.
So, as I said, it was a team challenge and the Teams were basically this: Blue Team - Jenna, Hunter, Bananas, Cara Maria and Jemmye; Green Team - Jordan, Tony, Kailah, Veronica and Britini; Pink Team - Leeroy, CT, Tori, Camila and Derrick.
Well, as you can probably tell, I was rooting for the Blue Team, althought I thought the Pink Team was really strong too but, was you can imagine, the Green Team won - the 'underdogs' won, which is not good.
Neither I have to say that we don't find out who they are going to send to the Redemption House, and here's when my preditions come in place!
As for the guys, I'm almost 100% sure they are going to send Bananas to the Redemption House. 1. Because Jordan said he wanted to take out the big dogs now and 2. because Tony felt betrayed by his 'alliance' and, since he can't really send Jordan to the Redemption House, I think he's going to agree in sending Bananas there.
For the girls, I'm torn between Camila and Cara Maria, but I would bet on Cara Maria because on the little reunion that we saw, they were talking about who was most likely to loose the elimination so they are going to choose to send to the Redemption House the girl that is more likely to win the elimination and get back to the house, which is Cara Maria, and like that get rid of her more easily.
Then, we see in the preview that they basically don't agree on who to send into elimination, and the result of that is the winners go in for draw. So now, my confusion is on who they are going to be torn about. I doubt it is the girls, they are all probably going to send in Camila. So it is almost 100% sure on the guys and, with that in mind, I think both Jordan and Kailah are going to send it Hunter, Veronica and Britini are going to send in CT and most likely Tony is the one that doesn't pick any of those. Still, I'm pretty confused about that because I just don't see why they won't agree on this, neither of them seem to have problems in sending in anyone so, I don't know.
Let me know what you think is going to happen. Do you agree with my predictions? I would love to know all your thoughts.
Ok, that's it guys.
I'll see you later with a new AHS rant!

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