
Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 14 - "Pretty Little Backstabbers"

Spoiler Alert!

Here it is a brand new The Challenge rant!
This is going to be only one you guys are going to get today because, just like lately, I had a pretty busy day and I only got time to watch one series and I chose The Challenge, hope you don't mind.
Anyway, let's jump right into the rant!
This wasn't one of my favourite episodes. I feel like it had less stuff and I also feel like it was a little rushed. I understand, and it is basically pretty clear the fact that they are trying to send as many people as they can to the Redemption House so they can do another Redemption House challenge and just finish with this season, but I just feel like this episode didn't have much, and it was a pretty big downside for me. Plus, it didn't end that well (for me) so yeah, you can see why I didn't like this episode as much. But, one thing that I did like was the fact that it was just like the old episodes, with a challenge, nominations and elimination (with a little bit of drama in the middle), which is exactly what I like.
So, like I said, the episode started with this week's challenge - one that looked a lot more exciting that it was in fact. And, once again, it was pretty quick and a little bit confusing.
Basically they had two rounds of each gender (guys and girls) where they were on the endge of a really tall building and they had to 'knock out' one of the other players (as usual, I'm not the best at explaining challenges). What matters is that in the end, the winners (one guy and one girl) would pick not only another guy and another girl to go to elimination but also another guy and girl to send right into the Redemption House (like said, trying to get rid of as many players as they can in the shortest time). In the end, Hunter and Jenna won and they sent right into the Redemption House Jordan and Veronica, which kind of ruins my predictions that Jordan is going to win but, you really never know. I doubt anyone will beat CT but Tony sent Darrell home so, you don't know what can happen so, I'm going to keep my predition that Jordan is going to win. Plus, they had a talk where he said he would rather run a final with Camila then with Cara Maria so, is that a hint that both of them are going to win?! Who knows?!
Then, for the nominations, of course they wouldn't want a tie so they both sent in Camila and Derrick, which I was already expecting so, it wasn't anything new.
But the double cross, damn it was my worst nightmare! (Ok, I'm being a little overdramatic, but yeah).
For the girls, Tori got the double cross so it was obvious that she was going to pick Britini, which I really don't mind to be honest, it was an easy win for Camila. The boys was a lot different! First, they were only two which meant they didn't really have a choice, they either get the double cross and are safe or not and are going to elimination. Bananas was the first one and I just knew that the one he was going to pick wasn't the double cross one and... I was right. Tony got pretty lucky and Bananas went to elimination against Derrick - two really good competitors.
Well, like I said, the elimination, for Camila was really easy and she won, which I was already expecting. Then, for the boys, it was a good match (like I was also expecting) and, for a moment, Bananas was in the lead and I was really hoping he would win but he just had a 'breakdown' and, in the end, Derrick won, which I liked but at the same this just messes up my mind because, on one hand, I'm always going to have Bananas back and I really want him to win but, at the same time, I want my prediction that Jordan will win to be true so I don't know who I really want to win the Redemption House challenge. Really, I'm so confused.
Anyway, this episode was basically this.
I didn't see a preview, but something tells me that the next episode is going to be the Redemption House challenge and from there is only going to be the main house and whoever goes home, goes home for real.
I still maintain my prediction that Jordan is going to win (although I'll be rooting for Bananas in that challenge) but I also have doubts that any of them will beat CT so... Also, I saw on Wikipedia that CT wins this season so... I'm pretty confused. Oh, and there was just an announcement about the next season - Champs vs Stars - and Jenna is in the promo photo so... I don't know... Is this a hint that she wins this season?! I'm getting really confused...
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you tomorrow with brand new rants!

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