
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 7 - "War of the Worlds"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here is the new Supernatural rant!
Wow! This episode! I told you that this episode, directed by Richard Speight, Jr., was going to be insane and it really was!
Right at the beginning it left me speechless with all the Lucifer stuff at the alternative universe and then all the stuff that hapenned after that! Wow! Seriously, Supernatural is stepping up it's game. Although, there was something in this episode that I didn't like one bit and I guess you already know what (or who) it is but, let's start with the beginning.
Like I said, the episode starts (not exactly, but still) with Lucifer in the alternative universe, with Michael basically torturing him. It was something that left me really surprised because you think of Lucifer like being the second most powerful being (after God) and then he's tortured by Michael (from the alternative universe)? That's kind of messed up. And then, something else that blew my mind was Kevin being back! I mean, he's not really really back but he was back in this episode (and I believe we will be in the future). Well, and basically Michael is using them in order to open u a breach to go to the 'real world' which, after taking most of Lucifer's grace, he is actually able to, which was another really incredible thing that I wasn't expecting at all! 
After doing that, Lucifer is actually able to escape and go through the breach and get back to the real world. The only thing that went through my mind in that moment was Mary like, now she's in the alternative world alone and, although being with Lucifer wasn't that great, it was better then her being alone... Besides, I was (and I kinda still am) shipping them so...
This episode then keeps surprising me. So, Lucifer is, indeed, back at our wold but he barely has powers, which is something really odd. I always see Lucifer like being really powefull (like I said previously) and now he's so weak. It's quite something!
Meanwhile all this is happening, because Castiel went to talk to some angel and they don't have any other lead about Jack, Sam and Dean decide to work a case - one in which a bunch of witches have been killed.
That's when they run into a survivor (fun fact: she was called Daniela, just like me) and that's when they find out that the killer looks like Ketch and has been asking about Rowena. They set up a trap and are able to capture him, who then tells them he's actually Arthur's twin brother, Alexander, and that he turned his back on the British Men of Letters. The boys check the papers and Sam finds that what he's saying it's true, but Dean still doubts it.
While Dean and Sam are dealing with that, Castiel meets with the angel, Dumah, who tells him that they don't have Jack and that, if they did, they would be using him to create more angels, since the angels' population is very low. Castiel doesn't like that and that's when the angels try to capture him but Lucifer appears and, even without powers, he scares the other angels and, in a way, he kind of saves Castiel (which was kinda cute).
At first, I didn't understand why Lucifer went to Castiel but he then let us know. Lucifer tells everything about the other Michael to Castiel and says that they need to combine both their powers (Lucifer and Castiel's) with Jack's power in order to defeat this Michael, who is planning on 'rulling' the real world.
Of course Castiel doesn't know what to do about that, but he decides not to tell the Winchesters anything, not yet, which wasn't that smart, to be honest.
Then, Asmodeus appears and I kind of have forgotten that Lucifer and Asmodeus don't get along. I would assume that they would be great friends but then I remember the whole thing about the Shedim and yeah, I get that now. And well, with Lucifer not having his full powers and Castiel now being powerfull enough, Asmodeus is able to capture both of them.
Tracking Castiel, the brothers get to the place were Lucifer and Castiel were but are met with only demons who attack them. That's when Alexander appears and help them but that's also when Dean really realises something is wrong and Alexander admits that he's in fact Arthur Ketch. He tells them that he made a deal with Rowena, years back when she was captured by the British Men of Letters. She would give him a spell to cheat death and in exchage he would allow her to escape, which was what happened. But then, he says that the spell needs 'recharge' so that's why he must find her, insinuating she's still alive (which I believe). And then, Dean attacks him but Ketch is able to escape.
This whole thing with Ketch just made me really angry! I didn't like last season's storyline, the BMOL one and I though we were free of them right now and having him back now?! Ugh, this leaves me really angry and I just hope they get kill him soon! 
And then, to make everything even better, not only Asmodeus locks up Lucifer and Castiel, and tricks the Winchesters into believing that everything is fine, but we also see that Ketch have been working with Asmodeus all along so... Ugh! Seriously, so tired of him! Can't he just die?!
So, as you can see, an episode full of emotions! 
This episode also made me re-think my prediction that we would be dealing with the Shedim. Right now, I think the end goal of this season is defeating Michael from the other universe and probably deal with the Shedim next season. I don't know, I just think the Shedim seem like a cool storyline but I don't think they're going to use it this season. I think what we saw was only to let us know and understand the whole story between Asmodeus and Lucifer so, yeah.
Let me know what you think about my prediction, which other predictions do you have and what you thought about this episode overall! For me, it was such a roller coaster!
That's it! I'll see you next week with a lot of new rants!

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