
Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 17 - "One in a Million"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow! Wow! Oh my god, what was that episode?!
Hello guys and welcome back to a new The Challenge rant, which isn't the last one this season (like I thought it would be).
Yeah, I didn't want to start by the end but I just have to!
Well, turns out there's going to be one last episode and we are going to find out the winner in that episode! That's right! TJ threw us one last dirty move this season and it's that we only find out the winners in the Season Reunion, which I think might have happened like not really long ago so, this was an huge plot twist! This season, not only the cast threw dirty moves at eachother but TJ not only threw them a dirty move but thre a dirty move to the audience as well! Seriously, this must have been one of the best and craziest seasons of the challenge so far and I'm so glad I got into the show before all this!
Anyway, now that we got the huge plot twist out of the way let's talk about what other things happened in the episode.
We saw the end of that last stage, which turns out Camila and Jordan were on the lead.
After that, they moved on to the "Bola on Over" stage, which was basically throwing an Incan weapon so that it wrapped around a designated target. In this they played as a team as well, same teams and, the twist was, if they missed, they'd each have to take a shot of fermented llama's milk. 
There was another twist though, because Jordan and Camila were the winners of the last round, they could give another 'bola' to another team, and they chose CT and Tori.
Once again, Jordan and Camila 'won' and this just made me really confident about my predictions. I was really confident throughout the whole episode though so, I have high hopes for next week.
Moving on, was a puzzle challenge! This time, they switched teams and, because Camila and Jordan were on the lead, both of them chose another team mate and the remaining two had to pair up so, Camila chose CT and Jordan chose Tori, which left Cara Maria still with Derrick, which was really unlucky to her because they both are terrible at puzzles. Still, they had few running to do and this last two (Cara Maria and Derrick) actually were able to be in the lead but, unfortunatelly, the last ones to arrive at the puzzle, CT and Camila, were the first ones to finish the puzzle and Cara Maria and Derrick were the last ones to finish it.
Well, because this is Dirty 30, the last challenge had to include more dirty moves, and after that last round, they had a double cross. Tori actually got it by default, giving her time penalty to Camila (obviously) and, for the guys, CT got it right away and gave his penalty to Jordan. I was a little surprised by this because Jordan have been pretty lucky with the double crosses so I thought he would get it but it was nice to switch things up.
After that, they had more running to do and then a vertical climb which was really difficult for Camila. I really felt for her because I would freak out as well if I was in her place so, I didn't like Tori's attitude towards it at all! It's not fun to have a panick attack! Even if you're competing for a million dollars.
And then, to make it even worse, the next challenge, which was to break into a smoke-filled house and make sense of a series of letters and was a pairs challenge as well, Camila got paired with Derrick and Derrick just did nothing in that challenge. I mean, I don't blame him, if I was in his place, with Camila really angry, I would just let her do her thing (because she was working just fine). But, at the same time, I can see her point, mainly because Derrick have been rubish in this last challenges. If it isn't physical stuff, Derrick isn't that good, I just realised that.
But, because all of this wasn't enough, when it was time to 'sleep', they threw another 'penalty' thing, but this time was about the sleeping. The first ones, Jordan and Tori, had to pick a guy and a girl to not sleep in the tent but, instead, sleep outside, in the rocks and in the cold. Of course Tori picked Camila and Jordan picked Derrick. Just what they needed.
Also, I was a little underwhelmed with this 'punishment' because usually they do an overnight challenge, which I loved, and this time they didn't so... I was a little sad about that. But I kind of get it, this challenge have been harder then previous ones so, they needed rest anyway.
The next day came with the last and most exciting challenge! They had to ride a truck that would tow them each across a salt flat. It looked pretty cool and I wouldn't mind do it myself! Actually, I would really like to do it!
After that, came the big reveal that I've already talked in the beginning, which was pretty schocking to me! 
So, let me know what you thought of this ending, what do you think is going to happen in the last episode? Do you think the winner is still going to be determined by their times or do you think there's still more dirty moves? And who do you think is going to win? You know were I stand, I still think Jordan and Camila are going to win so, let's see.
I'm not going to be able to rant about AHS and The Flash today so I'll see you tomorrow with those rants!

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