
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 11 - "Past Sins"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Yes, a little late (as usual) but, if you follow me on twitter, you already knew that this was coming a little late today. Oh, and in case you didn't know, follow me on twitter (@danixinhahhh) because I always post there when I can't post or when the post is going up a little late.
So, about Arrow... This episode, I would say, was neutral for me. There wasn't anything that I really hated (maybe one thing) but there wasn't really anything special about it either so... I don't really know what to think about it.
The episode starts actually pretty good, with Black Siren and Oliver giving an interview about being vigilantes with their identity revealed, and I liked that. But then, I guess it was downhill.
First, there was a story-line involving Black Siren and a stalker that, apparently, came back from Earth-2. That story-line was pretty weak, in my opinion. Not only I don't really care about Black Siren, but pretty soon it was revealed that her stalker had already died so... It did give a good ending to the episode though, with Dinah also getting a note from Black Siren's same stalker which means, it wasn't the guy from Earth-2 that Black Siren suspected.
Then, there's the ARGUS story-line.
At first, I was actually enjoying that story-line. I mean, in the really beginning of the season I just thought it was pointless but after the whole thing with Diaz and the ghost program I was getting excited. That is, until we see Diaz escape and killing Curtis in the process. I was so mad when I saw that. Plus, that cut to commercial what really made me mad and sad at the same time. When we got back to the episode, it was revealed that Diaz was actually in a controlled hallucination brought on by Curtis with the intent of getting information out of Diaz and so, nothing that happened before really happened, which I thought was pretty clever. That part of the episode surprised me so, congrats on that!
And then there's the third story-line which is basically about Oliver's dad security's son. Basically the SCPD is attacked and we find out that the 'villain' is the son of one of the men from the Queen's Gambit, who Oliver's dad killed so that Oliver could survive. It's the basic revenge story which, obviously ends with the guy in prison.
Of course this was all a way to make Emiko realize that Oliver isn't Robert, which she does in the end, going to Oliver and telling him that she's going to think about starting to talk, which is already something. And that's basically it.
Like I said, there wasn't anything major in this episode. I don't care about Black Siren, the Diaz story-line is getting really annoying, the 'villain of the week' wasn't anything special and I still don't know if I like Emiko or not. The only good parts for me where the hallucination, which was really clever, and the note that Dinah got in the end of the episode. That left me really curious so... Let's see where this goes.
From what we can see until now, this season still doesn't have a villain so... Let me know your theories on that. I would say that Dante might be bigger than we think but... I don't know. We don't know much about him.
For now that's it. I'll see you guys next with a new The Flash rant!

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