
Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 4 - "Benedict Laurel"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
What another great The Challenge episode!
As I said last time, this season is going all in and it's turning out to be one of (if not the) the best seasons of the show, even if I wasn't entirely pleased with the outcome in this episode.
So, I guess I can say I was right - the Brits really did win this week's challenge but... Just because Bananas basically sabotaged it. I was really surprised at how quiet Bananas has been this past few episodes and it was about it he started 'steering the pot' and, in a kind of plot twist, he aligned with Laurel and basically made a plan to drop the numbers on the 'Wes Alliance'. It was fun to see everything play out, and I was happy to see the UK team win, but it was a given win, which isn't that satisfactory, but let's roll with it.
Of course this whole thing crumbled down and divided the USA Team, which we all knew was bound to happen. 
Right away I need to say that I'm not a fan of Laurel. Heck, I don't really like her to be completely honest, but I also don't like Wes and don't like how he plays the game so I was on her side with this. Also, even though I don't like her, I can see that she's strong and everything so, there's also that. But anyway, in this, I was on her side and I was liking where this was going. I would much prefer to see Cara go into elimination than Ninja, but that's fine. Actually, Georgia then tried to throw Cara but... It didn't stick and, as she as already expecting, Laurel was thrown into elimination to go against Ninja. This had everything for Ninja to win and... Well, in the end she did win but for s few moments everyone thought Laurel had won and I was happy with that. Then, we learned the truth and she actually lost and was sent home. I can't say that I'm sad with that either because, like I said in the beginning, I don't really like her either, but I'm rooting for her alliance so it was a disappointment, mainly because of the smug on Cara's face, who I really dislike right now.
And well, I guess that's pretty much it for this episode. I know it doesn't look like much written down, but it was an hell of a roller-coaster watching everything unfoald.
From the title of the next episode, and keeping in mind everything that happened, I feel like the USA is going to win the next challenge and Paulie is going to be in the Tribunal. I also have a feeling that Bananas' time is almost up, but I don't know if it is in the next episode, mainly because I doubt Paulie and whoever is in the Tribunal will put more of their own, or at least it will look really bad if they do, since they were so bothered when Laurel threw Wes. It will be really hypocritical if they do the exact same thing, but I guess everything's fair game now. 
Well, this are my thoughts and predictions. Let me know yours and I'll see you in my next rant!

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