
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 11 - "The Gamblers"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello again!
Well, I go from a pretty down rant (arrow) to a super exciting one (for now). I take back what I said about this episode in my last Supernatural rant. This episode was so good! I don't know if it was better than the previous one, but for sure it was equally good.
Last week's episode relied a lot on the funny stuff and just honoring previous episodes/seasons while this week's episode made the story move forward, which I always appreciate. Of course, they had to, since this was the Mid-Season Finale and next episode will only air in March... But let's get back to the episode.
So, as expected, we follow the brothers to Alaska, looking for the place Garth told them about. Turns out, this magical place is a bar where people bet their luck in games of pool. Well, Dean being the cocky son of a b*tch that he is, is super thrilled about the pool, as he's amazing at it. And, in the beginning, everything goes well, but of course, they start noticing something is wrong about the place (well, Sam does which just shows the type of person that he is) and they soon find out that the place is run by the pagan goddess Fortuna who later explains that she's actually pissed at God as well. And, although Sam and Dean loose against her, she chooses to restore their luck anyway after impressing her and showing that they are true heroes. I don't know about you, but I feel like there's a lot of hints throughout this season to how the series will end and, so far, I stick to my initial prediction - the brothers winning, killing God and Sam replacing him. 
But anyway, this episode wasn't just about the brothers. Oh no, we got Jack back! They addressed it in episode 9, in the very end, but I thought it would take some time to actually have him be part of the story but I guess I was wrong. This was a really nice surprise and I loved that they had a side story in this episode not only with Jack but with Cas as well. That's right, Cas is the one that learns out about Jack and he is also the one that finds him. Castiel finds out that Jack is targeting Grigori (which I did not remember them) who are fallen angels that feed on innocent souls and well... Jack kills them and eats their hearts.
After finding him, Cas takes Jack back to the bunker and that's when we have our family back together again! Really, that was such a nice moment, Sam and Dean finding Jack and alive and hugging him and everything... It was really cute. 
And then, in the end, Jack explains that Billie kept him hidden in the Empty, waiting for God to leave to resurrect him. He also tells them that Billie has a plan and that he's being following her plan which, if he keeps following it, he will be strong enough to kill God - which makes my prediction even stronger. I saw people saying that Jack will replace God but... I don't thin so. I think Jack will be the one to kill him but someone will have to replace God and I'm pretty sure it will be Sam. There's no way the series will end with both brothers alive and well. There's just no way. And, to be honest, the better way is to have Sam be God and just visit Dean every time he wants to. Or, Dean can die and Sam will be God and they can both be in Heaven. That would look weirdly similar to Arrow's ending but well, that's a possibility. Personally, I would rather have Sam be God and Dean be alive... And probably Jack will die in the end. I don't know about that last bit, but someone has to die.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on the episode and my predictions for the finale. I know there's still a few episodes left but we can keep theorizing. 
Let me know what you thought of the episode and do you think Jack will be able to kill God? And if so, will he be the new God? Tell all your predictions and I'll see you in my next rant!

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