
Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Challenge: Double Agents | Season 36 Episode 11 - "An Inconvenient Goof"

Spoiler Alert!


I can't believe they did that again!

Hello everybody and welcome to a new The Challenge rant!

I was so excited about this new episode, you have no idea! I don't know if you remember but last week I had a ton of predictions regarding that Security Breach and whatnot. Well, I'm happy to report that I had half of them right... Sort of... (Just a side note, this rant might be all over the place because I am going to start with what I got right and what I didn't so... Keep that in mind). 

Starting of with the week's challenge, I predicted that Kyle and Kam where going to win, mainly because I had a feeling CT was going into elimination and he would probably go against Fessy (not only because we saw a sneak peak of a fight between them but also because it would be a good match CT vs Fessy). Well, I was right in the fact that CT is indeed going in (at least, so far we are led to believe that he's going in) but not as the house vote. Instead he and Big T won the daily challenge and that was great! Definitely the best thing about this episode! I was so happy at Big T for not only finishing that challenge but also winning it! And she didn't even brag about the fact that she was in the Swim Team and she did Pole Dance lessons which were two really helpful things for this challenge. Yeah, congrats to Big T and also CT because CT is the best hype man! He's so supportive of Big T and I have no doubt that when he wins the elimination he will stick with Big T because they are the best Team this season! 

Anyway so one thing right and one thing wrong - yes, CT is going into elimination but Kyle and Kam didn't win. Also, CT isn't going against Fessy. Instead, as of now, it looks like he's going against Devin.

I can't believe I'm saying this but it kind of pains me to see CT go against Devin. Devin has been growing on me (as you might have already noticed with my last few rants) and he really want Josh out (there's still hope though, but I'll get into that later). It was between Devin and Josh as the House Vote, and unfortunately Devin was the one voted to go into elimination against CT. I do have to mention that Devin had such a great speech in the deliberation - he played the layout card and it all made a lot of sense but it wasn't enough...

Then, the other thing that I did get right was Lolo going home. It was pretty obvious after seeing Nam there next to Cory. And then, throughout this episode it became like really clear that she was going to quit the challenge. I mean she had a point, but still it was a bit lame. I am happy to see her gone though, she's really annoying and she wasn't helping Nam at all so... I'm curious to see how Nam does now that he'll have a new partner. And, speaking about that, let's talk about the elimination. Or the non-elimination.

Yes, I'm a bit pissed that they ended the episode with a cliffhanger and didn't show us what the Security Breach was nor the elimination. However, the new information that I got in this episode made me rethink my predictions so... Let's get into those.

So, I still think CT is going into elimination, and against Devin. CT is going to win because that fight between him and Fessy hasn't happen yet so, no matter who goes against CT, he's going to win. Now, I still believe it's going to be a double elimination, but I've changed my mind when it comes to Cory and Nam. I don't think they're going into elimination anymore. Instead, it's two other teams that are going against each other (just like CT vs Devin). Now I do believe it's going to be who go the next bigger amount of voted, which we know it's Josh and then, because Josh has a Gold Skull, he's going against Darrell who is the only guy (apart from Nam and Cory) that doesn't have a Skull. I mean, Josh can go against Fessy, which would be such a big move but I don't know... My prediction is that it's going to be CT vs Devin and Josh vs Darrell. And well, I guess that's it from me and my predictions.

We also see that Big T is going to have a sort of fight with someone (probably Amber or Gabby) so that's going to be interesting, as well as the daily challenge which will be something straight out of Saw, so I can't wait to watch that. But most of all, I can't wait to see what this Security Breach is and how everything is going to turn out.

Now, let me know what are your predictions and I guess I'll see you next week with new rants!



Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Challenge: Double Agents | Season 36 Episode 10 - "A Clockwork Amber"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everyone!

So this week's episode of The Challenge was filled with drama and, although I'm not the biggest fan of drama episodes, this time it made sense with the challenges and eliminations so it was quite exciting! Also, I have to say - my prediction was right and I love when that happens. Yes, I love to be surprised, but I also love when I'm clever enough and I can theorize with the clues that are given to me (and the 'next on' for next week's episode gives us so much to work with that I can't wait to tell you all my theories). But before I get to my predictions, let's talk about what actually happened in this episode.

The episode starts with different partners strategizing - Amber B having doubts about not going in, CT saying that he wants to go in and Devin telling him that if he wins the challenge he will put him or Nam into elimination, Amber M and Cory being ready to go into elimination as well, and Nam and Lolo still arguing that they don't work well together and that she wants to go and win her skull. 

All of this gives as a varied number of options of both who might win the challenge and who might go into elimination (because we already know that who is in this first minutes of the episodes are the people that will be the most important for the remaining of the episode and that means either win the challenge or go into elimination). But, because this episode is called 'Amber Alert' I was pretty sure that either one or both Ambers would go into elimination.

Anyway, going into the week's challenge, it was a pretty interesting one that, not only must have been a lot of work and must have taken a lot of hours, but because it involved digging puzzle pieces that could belong to you but might belong to another team, that really showed who was helping who and who was against who and, well, turns out a lot of people were against Devin and, surprisingly I was not. I don't know what has been happening to me but I've been agreeing with Devin a lot this season and, this time, with so many teams against him and hiding his puzzle pieces, I found myself rooting for him - so I was delighted when him and Gabby did win the challenge! Of course I would've loved if CT and Big T won (the almost had it) but I really didn't want Josh to win and because Devin is against Josh... I guess the enemy of my enemy is my friend - so this means I am now rooting for Devin. Who would've thought?! Not me, for sure!

However, Devin and Gabby winning brought a lot of problems and a lot of tension. Not only Devin likes to mess around and really get his revenge but also Devin has a Gold Skull, Gabby doesn't, and this week they didn't know if it was a guys or girls elimination so this meant that Gabby was ready to go into elimination but Devin didn't want to go in, of course! Also, there were so many people wanting to go as the house vote - Amber M and Cory, Nany and Josh, CT and Big T (more like just CT, let's be honest) and Lolo and Nam and, oh boy there's so much going on between those too. Long story short, no one understands what Lolo wants and she wants Nam to support her but when he tells her that they're not working well together that they should go in and she should get another partner so gets angry because he's not helping her and... There's really so much drama there and poor Nam tries to go the right thing but nothing is the right thing to Lolo and, already knew this but Lolo is so damn annoying! Ugh!

Anyway so it's time for Elimination and Amber M and Cory are the house vote. When they arrive they see that it's hall brawl and, as I suspected, it was a girls elimination. Gabby wanted to go in and it's obvious it's a girls elimination - TJ even asks her if she doesn't want to go in against Amber M, it's so damn obvious - but no... Gabby waists her opportunity and throws in Amber B and Darrell. 

So, it's Amber B vs Amber M - as I predicted - and not only was a really lame elimination but also it was pretty obvious Amber B was going to in. And just like that, Cory is without a partner again. (Yes, Amber B stayed with Darrell). Well, and that's it for this episode. Now to the fun part - predictions.

As I said before, this 'next on' gave so much information! Because Cory is the Rogue Agent now it's clear that it's going to be a guys elimination. But that presents the question - hows that going to work? Well, my prediction for that is that if the house vote is someone without a skull, the vote from the double agents will have to be someone with a gold skull, so that they can steal. And we see in the preview that there's a Security Breach and my first thought was that it was going to be that, that they will have to choose someone with a skull. And so, I started looking at the people that was up there - Cory, Josh and Nany. But then I noticed Nam next to Cory and before that frame there's something with Lolo saying that she can't take it anymore and we don't see Lolo next to Nam - plus, we know that Cory is a Rouge Agent aka he doesn't have a partner and so that got me thinking - Lolo is going to quit, which leaves two guys without partners (I'm also predicting that she quits after the week's challenge so there's already a pair of Double Agents). And with that information I have a different prediction.

Basically my prediction is that the Security Breach is that it will be a Double Elimination and that can work in two ways - House Vote vs Double Agents pick and the second elimination is the second most voted pair by the house and the Double Agents will pick another pair. Or it's House Vote and Double Agents Pick against Nam and Cory. It would be definitely a surprise to everyone and that would make sense with how they react. And, with that, my prediction is that Kyle and Kam will win the week's challenge and the House Vote will be CT and Big T (CT wants to go in and I believe he has the numbers to be the house vote) and Kyle and Kam will pick Fessy and Aneesa to go against CT (not only Kyle has a grudge with Fessy but that would be a good match - Fessy against CT) but then that will backfire because then it will be CT against Nam and Fessy against Cory (or the other way around). Okay, that's my prediction and I know it's crazy and a bit difficult to understand but I hope you get it.

Damn, that was a lot. So now I want to know your prediction and what you think of mine - let's discuss! And I guess I'll see you next week and we'll see if I was right or not - I'm pretty excited! Okay, that's it from me!



Friday, February 12, 2021

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist | Season 2 Episode 6 - "Zoey's Extraordinary Reckoning"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everyone!

Finally here with the new Zoey's Playlist rant and... Okay, I have a lot of thoughts.

I'm going to be careful here because people might take what I'm about to say the wrong way since we're talking about a touchy subject. This whole episode was about the aftermath of the last episode - Simon exposing SPRQ Point as a not inclusive work place. So this whole episode revolved around that and around racism and... I get it. I understand that this is an important subject and it needs to be talked about but, at the same time, this episode rubbed me the wrong way. One of the reasons why was because when this is airing. I know the climate that we're in is making everyone think a lot more about these issues but, at the same time, it doesn't feel natural. To me, it feels like they had to write this episode otherwise they would be perceived as racists for not talking about the issue. You can't really win here, I guess. If you don't talk about it you're part of the problem and if you do it feels like you're only doing it so you don't look bad, and that's how I saw this episode (and all the shows that decide to talk about this right now). It felt a little out of place because the story of the show doesn't revolve around that. But again, I understand that this is something that needs to be talked about but it just rubbed me the wrong way that they decided to make an episode about racism just like every other show right now.

Then, there's another thing that I didn't quite like and something that I've seen in real life - which is blaming white people for being privileged and seeing racist things in every little detail. But before I get into that, I would like to point out that I'm talking as a white person in Portugal, outside of the US, so my perception of racism might be a lot different from people in the USA. I just needed to let everyone know because I know that things are different in different countries (even though there's racism everyone, I know that).

There's one particular scene in the episode that made me a little mad. The scene between Simon and Zoey in Simon's office when Zoey's going to tell him that he needed to retract his statement. She goes there from a place of both friend and boss and, at this point, we already know that Zoey is a good person so when she says that she sees Simon as Simon, her friend, just that and he tells her that she needs to see him as a black person... I don't get it? I really don't... I've had this conversation in real life but like, I don't see people as their colors. It doesn't matter to me if you're white, black, Asian... I will treat you the same, no matter what. And when black people say that we need to see them as black people, doesn't that defeats the purpose of what they want - equality?! I don't know... I'm truly confused with this and I would like to understand. And once again I really connected with Zoey. Both me and her know that we aren't racist and still we are faced with some things that might be a bit tone-deaf and we get confused. I felt the same thing with the scene with her and Mo.

Zoey goes to Mo for advice on how to tell Simon that the company wants him to retract the statement and Mo goes off on Zoey that she's going to her black friend to ask advice on how to talk to her other black friend. Personally, I didn't see it that way. I saw it as someone who went to her friend to ask for advice on how to talk to another friend. It didn't matter the race. She could've gone to Max but, let's be honest, Mo has always been the one that Zoey goes to for advice so... Why make it about race? 

And then, there's the scene in the stairs when Simon tells Zoey that he's going to quit, in which Zoey just says 'Okay', and that really felt out of character to me. I get it that they wanted to show that Zoey understood that maybe she was part of the problem and she needed to be more understanding and just be there for Simon but... Zoey would maybe say that she would like him to stay but she would support him no matter what. I know that's what I would say... 

I don't know, I just felt that some things were forced and some things didn't make sense but maybe that was the point?! Maybe I felt 'attacked' because I really connected with how Zoey was feeling maybe she was portraying what I've been doing wrong... I don't know...

With all of this said, I would like to reinforce that I still appreciate this episode. I know that it is necessary and it does show us some things that we can change in order to be more inclusive.

Besides that, the episode also gave us some amazing performances and amazing musical numbers and I really appreciated the Tobin story-line in this episode. Not only I loved his solo musical number but I feel like his story in this episode is really relatable and I truly think a lot of people would think the same way and be afraid to speak up because of the consequences. And not only that, but also that people don't want to be the center of attention and if it's not bothering too much, it's better to stay this way than make it worse. But I also liked that in the end he spoke up and he helped Simon not get fired and helped change the structure of the company. 

Also, because there can't be one rant where I don't talk about Max... It was just a little plot with Max and Mo asking Danny Michael Davis for money but it brought Max to the office and that was something nice to see. I would've like to see Maggie's take on all this racism thing, as well as Emily, since she's Asian and she could have a different view... I don't know, but I would like her take on this.

Anyway, this rant was a little bit different but I touched on all the important points, I think. Important messages, some things that I wasn't the biggest fan of but that's okay... I still appreciate it for what it is. There was not a lot more to the story itself so I guess that's it from me.

I would love to know all your thoughts on the episode as well as on the things that I said in this post and please, take it easy on me. All of this comes from a good heart, I promise you. And if I said anything that is offensive first, I'm sorry, and second, educate me, I would love to learn more about everything and understand it a bit better.

Okay, I've rambled enough. The show only comes back in the end of March so, until then, I'll see you with other reviews!



Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Challenge: Double Agents | Season 36 Episode 9 - "Lady Vengeance"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello people!

(I know I'm behind with one Zoey's Playlist episode but you know how I am with The Challenge - I can't be behind one episode because of spoilers so, you're going to have this rant before the Zoey's one... Hopefully I can get that one up this week, we'll see)

So, I gotta be honest - this episode of The Challenge was a bit lackluster. I feel like lately the names of the episodes have given away the outcome and I'll get more into that later but for now, let's talk about this week's episode.

I was pretty excited because this was Trivia week but even that fell a bit flat. It was still pretty entertaining to see all the competitors get some really easy questions wrong, but this time it was on a True or False basis and that is kind of lame because people can get it right without really knowing the answer... Still, as I said, it was entertaining and, in the end, it was a matter of who stayed up there the longest and, in the end, it was between Darrell and Nam and, once again, Nam almost getting the win but, unfortunately, Darrell and Amber B who were the Double Agents.

That raised a whole another thing between Gabby and Amber B. Basically Amber M found out that Amber B voted for her last week (but it ended up being a guys elimination) and then that involved all the other rookie girls (hence Gabby being in the mix) and basically the house started talking about either Theresa or Gabby would go in. I didn't want either, to be honest, but from Amber B's perspective, I think it would've been best if Gabby went in and then she could go against Gabby but no... The whole house wanted Theresa out (still doesn't quite understand why but okay...) and so Amber B went with the whole house and her and Darrell sent in Kaycee against Theresa. 

This is a 'difficult' elimination because I like both of them, but I guess I was more rooting for Theresa just because I like to root for the underdog and I just wanted her back in the house so she would be back so pissed at everyone. That would've been great but, unfortunately, Kaycee won. I mean, good for Kaycee, I don't have anything against her, but I wanted to see the face of all of those b*tches when Theresa was back but... I guess that didn't happen. And it was kind of sad because I felt like Theresa didn't give her all. I know Kaycee had a big advantage over her because she got more speed in the beginning, but I feel like Theresa could've done better. Well, it is what it is and now Kaycee has a Gold Skull. I mean, it's better than Josh having a Gold Skull (yes, I'm not over that yet).

Oh, needless to say that  Kaycee decided to stay with Leroy which meant that now Cory is paired with Amber M, and you know what that means, right?! Amber M is next. I don't know but it really looks like Cory's cursed this season and he looses all his partners - Tori, Natalie, Ashley and now Theresa. Oh, and not only that but next week's episode is called 'Amber Alert' so you know definitely something will happen with one or both Ambers... We'll see!

However, this time we didn't get a Next On but a preview of the remaining of the season and what I took away from that was that Big T and Darrell are going into an elimination so I just hope both of them stay in the game and also there will be a fight between CT and Fessy and that's going to be epic! I'm excited for that.

Well, I guess my prediction for next week is that it will be another girls elimination (since there's a least amount of girls with Gold Skulls) and that both Ambers will go against each other and Amber M is going home. Okay, that's my prediction. Let me know your predictions as well as your thoughts on this episode and I'll talk to you in my next rant (hopefully still this week because I can't wait to watch that new Zoey's episode).



Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Challenge: Double Agents | Season 36 Episode 8 - "A Muddy Water"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everybody!!

Oh, this episode of The Challenge... If I was unhappy with the outcome of the last one I'm even more unhappy with this one. I would go as far to say that this was the worst outcome ever and I'm so annoyed!!

This episode overall was really unpredictable. We started out with a lot of little talks between a ton of people - Lolo and Nam, Nany and Josh, CT and Big T... They were all realizing that they're running out of Gold Skulls and, when it comes to the guys, there was only one left so... They had reason to worry. But what that meant was that it left me really unsure of what was going to happen next. All I knew was that this week's challenge was going to be a physical one so that was exciting!

When they got to the location of the challenge TJ told them that there would be multiple rounds to this challenge. They would be divided into two teams of guys and two teams of girls and then there would be a winner from each group (so 4 winners that would move on to the second round). It was a pretty interesting challenge overall and there were a few things that I noticed in this one - first Nam was so clever and I was so happy that he pulled it of and won his round; Nany is awful at the game and she should just give up this Challenge life because she's awful at the game; CT is also really sneaky and he took note from Nam and changed it a little bit so it wasn't noticeable and also won his round; and Theresa really shouldn't play poker (just like Aneesa said) because it was obvious that she had the relic which ultimately made Gabby win, which I was pleasantly surprised! In the end CT, Nam, Kam and Gabby were the ones to move to the next round where the guys had to fight themselves and the same for the girls. Well, the girls round was over pretty quickly but the guys one was pretty neck-a-neck and I was, again, happily surprised with Nam. However, CT did win in the end. And that meant that CT and Kam went to the third and final round and that one... Well, that involved their partners aka Big T and Kyle and they had to fight each other -  Kyle vs CT and Kam vs Big T, until both of the same Team won. That pissed off CT a little bit because it was obvious that Big T wasn't going to win and it was also obvious that Kyle wouldn't win so that just meant that they would be there all day long. Well, I guess CT had to compromise and on his round he let Kyle win because, let's be honest, there was no way Kam would let Big T win. 

So, Kam and Kyle were the Double Agents and obviously Kyle wanted to make big moves and send into elimination Fessy and Aneesa, but there was so much to all of this!

There was this whole thing about Amber M and Mechie not wanting to go in, but Nany and Josh wanting to go in and go against them, but Kyle wanting to send in Fessy, but Kam not wanting to mess with them because of the Big Brother alliance and Amber B voting for her from Amber M because she also wants to save her Big Brother alliance... Well, there was so much to it but you know what really matters and what shocked me the most? That we didn't get to see who was voted by the house when Kyle and Kam did! That's right, for the first time we, the audience, had to wait for the elimination, just like everyone else, to find out who was voted in and, because of that, we also had no idea who Kyle and Kam were thinking about sending in.

Well, the house voted Amber M and Mechie and... Kyle and Kam voted Nany and Josh, and that's when everything goes to sh*t. Needless to say that I was rooting for Amber M and Mechie. Not only Josh is so annoying but, as I said, Nany is one of the worst players in there and, even though I'm not a fan of Amber M either, Nany is just bad and she has no game so... Well, luckily I could just be rooting for Mechie because it was a guys elimination. Their plan kind of didn't go well but, on the other hand, Kam's plan to later on send in Theresa is sort of working so...  Yeah... So, Mechie against Josh on the same elimination that Tori and Aneesa did but with a puzzle before the balls thing.

I'm just going to go straight to the point and Josh won. Ugh! That was so damn annoying! He celebrated like he was a champion and, c'mon! After 4 seasons he won his first elimination. That's not reason to celebrate. That just shows how awful you are. Anyway... And then he even calls Devin out! Again, I can't believe I'm siding with Devin but ugh... At least Devin knows he's not the sh*t and Josh really thinks he's that good... I kind of wish Devin would go against Josh and see Devin win... Anyway, the only good thing out of this is the fact that, from now on, they will have to 'steal' Gold Skulls and I bet Josh will be one of the first ones to go in again and I'm pretty sure he won't win, not against the ones that still don't have a Gold Skull - CT, Darrell, Nam, Cory... Yeah, there's no way Josh will win any of them.

So, next episode is Trivia episode! That's one of my favorite challenges and I can't wait!! The down side is that I have no idea who will win because that challenge is so unpredictable. However, the next episode is called 'Lady Vengeance' so I'm predicting that Kam goes through with her plan and Theresa goes into elimination (and probably against Lolo).

With that said, let me know who you think will go into elimination next week and who do you think who will win the Trivia challenge and yeah... tell me your thoughts on Josh winning and I'll talk to you next week!



Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist | Season 2 Episode 5 - "Zoey's Extraordinary Trip"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everybody!

Hmm... Can we go back to the first episodes of the season, please? I mean, don't get me wrong, the show is still amazing and I love it to death but... This episode was a bit of a mess. Not really in terms of structure or on a technical level, I'm talking about the story itself. This episode was so down compared to all the other ones... I mean, there were sad episode but this one was just messy and everything going wrong... And I guess that was the point.

After how that last episode ended we thought we were going to get a 'love square' and, not only that didn't happen, but also I don't think that's going to happen anymore. I feel like this new guy, Aiden, was just a way for Zoey to loosen up, which was exactly what this whole episode was about. The thing about Zoey is that she cares a lot (Max even says that in the episode) and that was 'sort of' messing with her head so she decided to take a day off, be 'rebellious' and not give a f*ck. And that's when everything starts going sour.

I guess the main thing of this episode (and the reason for the title of the episode) was Zoey doing drugs. I must say that I sort of had a spoiler for that Starships scene because I was listening to the soundtrack of the show on Spotify and I had it on shuffle and suddenly that music comes on and I did not remember it from previous episodes and so I realized that they had the songs from the new episode already there... So yeah, I saw that coming and, even though I did like the sequence and loved what they did with the cinematography and camera movements, I also thought that scene was a bit annoying. I like so much more drunk Zoey. But also, I don't like her and Aiden. I thought I would like to see that 'square' but I'm not a fan of it anymore. I don't see the chemistry between her and Aiden. Plus, Danny Michael David being there was also annoying and... I wasn't a fan of that trio so, as you might suspect, I didn't like a big portion of the episode. Luckily, there were more story-lines in the episode for me to enjoy. The downside? They all went sour so... There's that.

Well, speaking of other stories in the episode that I liked... This was the episode that I talked about in my last rant - the one where we would find out more about Max and his dad and... Guess what? Yes, my favorite musical number of the episode was 'Numb'. Again, Skylar Astin, but also it was such a different arrangement and different vibe... I loved it! And, even though the way Max's dad treated him was horrible, that is something that a lot of people go through so I loved that it was so relatable. Again, this didn't end up well, but I'm sure Max and Mo will figure it out.

Someone else that had problems with her work was Maggie. Because of everything that happened with the other guy in the last episode, he started treating Maggie in a rude way which pissed of Jenna and she went to Maggie's rescue. Unfortunately, Jenna did some childish things and Maggie had to fire her (also Maggie lost that job, so there's also that). 

And so, it was in that moment, at dinner, with everyone having their own problems, that Zoey realized that she had to care. She wasn't able to not 'give a f*ck' and she tried to do something about Maggie and Jenna's relationship which, luckily, ended up well. Jenna still left (I think) but at least in good terms and I hope we get to see more of Jenna because she was so much fun!

Anyway, just to finish it of, I need to talk about the whole Simon thing about the Chirp watches not recognizing black people. I mean, I get it. It was subtitle enough, but at this point every show is targeting that that it doesn't feel 'real' anymore. I get it, it is a problem, but it almost looks like, if you don't talk about it, your complacent and that's not the case. Again, I think it flowed well enough with the story so I'm not mad about it. Heck, I know it's a problem, but I also think that shows want to talk about it more now because of the climate that we're in... I don't know, I would love to know your take on this because I know I'm probably not the right person to talk about it. 

But I guess that's it from me. This wasn't my favorite episode, everything was just going wrong and I want more lighthearted episodes so I hope we get the loving and caring Zoey and we get to see more 'happy' moments. And we'll see what happens with Simon (with how the episode ended) and with Aiden and Zoey and Max... It's crazy so I'm curious. 

Let me know your thoughts on the episode, on the whole racism and sexism part of the episode, on the 'love square', tell me everything, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

