Spoiler Alert!
I can't believe they did that again!
Hello everybody and welcome to a new The Challenge rant!
I was so excited about this new episode, you have no idea! I don't know if you remember but last week I had a ton of predictions regarding that Security Breach and whatnot. Well, I'm happy to report that I had half of them right... Sort of... (Just a side note, this rant might be all over the place because I am going to start with what I got right and what I didn't so... Keep that in mind).
Starting of with the week's challenge, I predicted that Kyle and Kam where going to win, mainly because I had a feeling CT was going into elimination and he would probably go against Fessy (not only because we saw a sneak peak of a fight between them but also because it would be a good match CT vs Fessy). Well, I was right in the fact that CT is indeed going in (at least, so far we are led to believe that he's going in) but not as the house vote. Instead he and Big T won the daily challenge and that was great! Definitely the best thing about this episode! I was so happy at Big T for not only finishing that challenge but also winning it! And she didn't even brag about the fact that she was in the Swim Team and she did Pole Dance lessons which were two really helpful things for this challenge. Yeah, congrats to Big T and also CT because CT is the best hype man! He's so supportive of Big T and I have no doubt that when he wins the elimination he will stick with Big T because they are the best Team this season!
Anyway so one thing right and one thing wrong - yes, CT is going into elimination but Kyle and Kam didn't win. Also, CT isn't going against Fessy. Instead, as of now, it looks like he's going against Devin.
I can't believe I'm saying this but it kind of pains me to see CT go against Devin. Devin has been growing on me (as you might have already noticed with my last few rants) and he really want Josh out (there's still hope though, but I'll get into that later). It was between Devin and Josh as the House Vote, and unfortunately Devin was the one voted to go into elimination against CT. I do have to mention that Devin had such a great speech in the deliberation - he played the layout card and it all made a lot of sense but it wasn't enough...
Then, the other thing that I did get right was Lolo going home. It was pretty obvious after seeing Nam there next to Cory. And then, throughout this episode it became like really clear that she was going to quit the challenge. I mean she had a point, but still it was a bit lame. I am happy to see her gone though, she's really annoying and she wasn't helping Nam at all so... I'm curious to see how Nam does now that he'll have a new partner. And, speaking about that, let's talk about the elimination. Or the non-elimination.
Yes, I'm a bit pissed that they ended the episode with a cliffhanger and didn't show us what the Security Breach was nor the elimination. However, the new information that I got in this episode made me rethink my predictions so... Let's get into those.
So, I still think CT is going into elimination, and against Devin. CT is going to win because that fight between him and Fessy hasn't happen yet so, no matter who goes against CT, he's going to win. Now, I still believe it's going to be a double elimination, but I've changed my mind when it comes to Cory and Nam. I don't think they're going into elimination anymore. Instead, it's two other teams that are going against each other (just like CT vs Devin). Now I do believe it's going to be who go the next bigger amount of voted, which we know it's Josh and then, because Josh has a Gold Skull, he's going against Darrell who is the only guy (apart from Nam and Cory) that doesn't have a Skull. I mean, Josh can go against Fessy, which would be such a big move but I don't know... My prediction is that it's going to be CT vs Devin and Josh vs Darrell. And well, I guess that's it from me and my predictions.
We also see that Big T is going to have a sort of fight with someone (probably Amber or Gabby) so that's going to be interesting, as well as the daily challenge which will be something straight out of Saw, so I can't wait to watch that. But most of all, I can't wait to see what this Security Breach is and how everything is going to turn out.
Now, let me know what are your predictions and I guess I'll see you next week with new rants!
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