
Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 1 - "All's Well That Ends Wells"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everyone!

So The Flash is back with a new season and I know I'm a bit late with this post but I've just been busy. Also... I'm gonna have to be honest with you... This is just the same old thing that was last season. And I know... The pandemic screwed some things and so they had to cut last season short and this first episodes are the ones that should've aired last season but... It just doesn't work.

For once I was already over that whole plot from last season and, with all the time that they had not filming, couldn't they have come up with something else to wrap that story-line in this first episode and don't drag for 3 episodes?! I don't know, this whole thing just doesn't work for me. And then, there's this major event in this episode, that I'm just going to talk about right now, that I just didn't felt it as much as I would've - Wells' death. All Wells's deaths.

The thing with this "twist" is that it would've been so impactful last season. But because we've been away from the story so long. I didn't know what was going on and I just wanted to ease into a new story-line and, instead, they give us a major character's death. This is just really unfortunate. The only good thing coming out of this episode is really Grant Gustin playing all the Wells' when they were inside his head. Grant Gustin did an amazing job capturing the essence of every Wells that Tom Cavanagh put into each character and that is just amazing and I had so much fun watching those scenes. And well... Everything else in the episode was just boring.

I sort of liked the plot with Cecile and Rosa and how Cecile developed her powers, that was interesting but, the thing is, I didn't understand the point of that story. 

Something else that really confused me was the whole particle thing that, I know was to make Barry have his speed back but... Again, this big break didn't help at all and just left me really confused the whole time. Oh, and don't even get me started on the whole Iris in the mirror-verse plot because... I just can't with that.

That whole plot is so annoying to me. Can't just Iris get out of that mirror already?! I can't take it anymore!! Oh, and I almost forgot - Ralph. Yeah... That didn't help on getting me to get invested on the whole story either. And, in case you don't know or don't remember what I'm talking about - Hartley Sawyer was fired from the show because of some tweets he posted years ago and I had a whole rant about that on twitter already but yeah... That pissed me off and it certainly doesn't make me more invested on this season, more like the other way around.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say about this first episode. I just want this story-line to end already.

Let me know what you thought of the episode and if you want another story as well and I'll talk to you very soon with a The Challenge rant!



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