
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 2 - "The Speed of Thought"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello people!

Here I am, one more week, with a new The Flash rant and thank god this got better!! I mean, sort of... I'm still over this story, this villain and the whole mirror-verse thing but this had a lot of elements that grabbed my attention and, for the first time in a long time, I was truly invested in the episode, which is amazing.

Post that, I do have to mention that this episode annoyed me so much - but in a good way. I mean, I was so angry at Barry but, to me, that is a good thing because that meant that, again, I was invested. Then, I also liked this episode because we had a bunch of characters back (not Ralph though, and yes, I'm still not over that) and the ending was so shocking - that ending really surprised me and I can't wait to talk about it.

So, as I said, this episode brought back a few characters that have been absent the last few episodes, and one of them was Cisco. It didn't really make sense that they killed Wells when Cisco wasn't there and they didn't really tell him about anything that was happening so they sort of rectify that in the beginning of this episode with the Team saying goodbye to Nash. Post that, they start on making a plan to bring back Iris, Kamilla and Singh (who I had completely forgotten that was also in the mirror-verse). And it's in that process that they realize something different about Barry.

Usually Cisco is the 'smart' one and as he proceeds to explain the plan, Barry completely cuts him off and explains the whole thing himself. That's when they realize that the Artificial Speed Force not only gave him his speed back but also gave him speed-thinking, which resulted in Barry being able to predict outcomes. However, that also made Barry act out of character and not feeling emotionally connected to anyone, and that's noticeable when another character is brought back - Killer Frost - to fight Eva and Barry just doesn't help Frost and lets her get hit by Eva.

This was the main issue of the episode. Barry loosing his emotions. And that was what made me so annoyed. However, I did enjoy that story-line and I think this could've been a good set up for Barry being the villain this season, but I guess that's not happening because of how things proceed.

After exposing Eva as a mirror duplicate, Barry proceeds to get going with the plan to bring back the people from the mirror-verse, but he's faced with the fact that he can only bring either Iris or Kamilla and Singh, and so he hides this information from the rest of the Team after predicting that the Team would rather save Kamilla and Singh (because Barry wants to save Iris, obviously). That's when a whole fight between him and the rest of the Team happen and even though everyone on twitter was rooting for Barry, I wasn't. But of course, Barry predicted the whole fight and so he wins and goes on with his plan. What he doesn't predict is that Iris won't leave without Kamilla and Singh, so Barry has to get her by force, and by doing so Iris starts having seizures and collapses. After that Barry realizes he has endangered his friends and that's when he disables the Artificial Speed Force, putting him back to having his speed in danger of running out. 

The after end credits is the real shocker though - we see a flashback from 20 years ago, of Eobard Thawne taking Wells form and killing him (and putting his body in a grave). However, Wells re-materializes and he see him in present time alive. So here it is guys, who Tom Cavanagh is playing this season - Harrison Wells, but the real one that we never met, so that should be fun.

Well, it looks like finally next week we will be ending this Eva story-line and, even though this episode was somewhat good, I can't wait for this whole thing to end. I really didn't like last season and this whole plot so I just want The Flash to have sort of a new start and let's just hope they give us something good for the rest of the season. And, of course, I'm curious to see how they'll wrap up the whole Ralph story-line because... yeah, that really rubbed me the wrong way and I'm going to keep talking about that because it was not fair!

So, let me know what you thought of this episode - where we on Barry's side or the Team's side? Are you also excited that they will be done with this story soon? Tell me everything and I'll see you tomorrow with a new rant!



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