
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 18 - "Heart of the Matter, Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everybody!

I know, I know... I'm super late with this one, once again, and I'm sure you're tired of hearing me saying that life has been crazy but... it really has! So I'm sorry I took way too long with this rant but, because this was the season finale, I figured it didn't really matter that much when I posted it so... I hope you're still interested in what I have to say which... It's not a lot (nor it's that good).

To be completely honest, I don't really remember what happened in that last episode and that means one thing - the episode wasn't great, which it wasn't. I had high hopes for it but it ended up being pretty meh and kind of forgettable (clearly).

The whole thing that interested me about this episode was the whole Godspeed thing with Barry in his mind, and that  was sort of interesting. However, it ended way too quickly and the remaining of the episode was pretty boring. Godspeed said that he wanted organic speed and of course Barry said no and got back to the real world and tried to fight the Godspeed drones. This time he had help from the speed-force who gave Iris and Bart their speed powers and so it was all the speedsters against all those Godspeeds. It was an interesting battle with interesting camera work, but it ended up being way too cheesy, in my opinion. Also, their plan don't really work and then it's Allegra that appears to save the day which, once again, way too cheesy. 

Without any other alternative, Barry gives August what he wants and, of course, he turns bad. The only surprising thing about this episode really was Thawne. That's right, Thawne was back in this episode, to help Barry defeat August Heart which, they do, but of course he tries to turn on Barry but it backfires because, turns out, Barry is now faster than Thawne so that created a possible story-line for future seasons (even though Tom Cavanagh is out of the show...).

Another kind of surprising thing was the fact that Kramer is actually a meta-human that can mimic others' powers. There's not much else to this, to be honest, and in the end she just leaves, having a new perspective on law enforcement. 

And then the episode ends with Iris and Barry renewing their vows in another super fake scene. You know where I stand on that so I won't talk about it again.

All in all, it was a disappointing episode, a disappointing season finale and a disappointing season overall. Let's hope they can work around all the things that went wrong this season and make a better season 8.

I know it's super late but if you've reached this point, let me know what you thought of the season finale, as well as the season overall, and I'll see you pretty soon with The Challenge because yes, The Challenge is back next month and I can't wait!



Friday, July 16, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 17 - "Heart of the Matter, Part 1"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello people!

Okay, here we are with the second to last episode of the season. And I know I'm late (as usual) but life has been crazy and, to be honest, this season of The Flash has been so bland that I do not have the excitement to talk about it. But I'll preserver and I'll keep on talking about how the show has been declining in quality.

With all of this, I guess you realized by now that this was another mediocre episode. It's such a shame because not only this was basically the introduction of Bart Allen, which got me excited for this episode, but this was also the 150th episode and that should've been such a great episode - at least, something different and exciting. Yes, this had Nora and Bart and most of all, it had Cisco back but, to be honest, Cisco hasn't been gone for that long so it doesn't really seem like a 'comeback'. In previous seasons he has been absent for more episodes than he was now that he's out of the show.

Anyway, this being the second to last episode, of course they had to keep going with the same story-line. Not that I'm mad about it, I actually enjoy the Godspeed story, but I wish they would've done more with that. The whole thing with Barry fighting the 'clones', which was what this episode was mainly about - Barry, Nora and Bart fighting them - wasn't my favorite, but I like Godspeed has a villain and I really enjoyed how this episode ended, actually... 

This episode also focused a lot on getting to know Bart and how Godspeed is his 'Thawne', because he murdered Jay Garrick in from of him. Iris was also back for this episode which, to be honest, was odd having in mind all the story of her having to be away and whatnot. I don't know, this whole episode was pretty messy and they tried to make us care about Bart but it didn't really work because we haven't been with him for that long. And then there's the whole thing of the Godspeeds capturing Jay and Bart fighting them... It's a lot and I'm not in the mood to get into all of that. I just need to say that, in the end, Barry saves everyone (including Jay and Bart) with Cisco's help. 

Then, the cool part of the episode - Cecile helping Barry enter August Hart's mind and him encountering the real Godspeed and the version of Hart that remembers everything. It was an odd choice to make Barry go into his mind but I did like how menacing Godspeed looked and talked so... I'm curious to see where this goes.

To finish this rant I need to talk about two random story-lines that were also present in the episode - Allegra's story about Esperanza being dead and her telling Chester about that, and Joe and Kramer's story that is so boring but, somehow, I know there's something that she's still hiding so... Yeah, there's that.

It's such a bummer that this season is turning out the way that it is turning out. I feel like they had nice ideas with Godspeed being the villain and Frost having a love interest but then they mix things that don't make sense and, let's be honest, not having Tom Cavanagh nor Carlos Valdes makes all the difference and I will be surprised if the show is renewed for season 9 (because it is renewed for Season 8 already).

Let me know what you thought of the episode as well as your overall thoughts on the season and I'll talk to you in my next rant!



Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 16 - "P.O.W."

Spoiler Alert!


Hello people!

Back with another The Flash rant and, this time, neither a good nor a bad one. After last week's episode, I gotta say, I was pumped for this episode which, unfortunately, was a downside because this wasn't as good as the previous one.

This one still had some interesting things to it such as the continuation of the Godspeed story-line as well as Diggle! Yes, Diggle was a special guest in this episode and that made this episode so much better! Arrow has always been my favorite Arrowverse show and having Diggle here brought back so many memories! Not only that but also the fact that Diggle is a great character and he has some 'unfinished business' with the whole Green Lantern ring that, actually, played a part in this episode so... That was nice and it also opens some doors for future stories related to Diggle. But let's talk about the actual episode!

As I said, this episode revolved around Godspeed again and it's really unfortunate that there's only two more episodes left because this plot is so much more interesting than everything else they had this season. What this did was make everyone hate this season to the point that, even with this last few good episodes, we can't like this season, and I'm pretty sure if they had the Godspeed story-line throughout the whole season, this would've been so much better. It looks like they never get it right... But anyway so we're back to Godspeed and that's right in the beginning of the episode that Diggle appears, which was super nice.

He brings a device that freezes in time anything that passes through and that's how they get to trap one of the Godspeeds, in order to figure out what the hell is going on. However, when the Godspeed that they trap reveals that their intent is to kill the original Godspeed, Barry realizes that he can't be on either side and tries to come up with another plan. After this, Diggle gives one of his speeches and that's when Barry decides to go to the future to find out what is wrong and see if Nora is okay. That's when he travels to the future that he encounters Deon that reveals that what is going on isn't related to Nora but to Iris instead. To be completely fair, this is one of those cases where I didn't quite get what was going on so I just ran with it.

After that, Barry decides that the best thing to do is to go after August Heart himself (the real Godspeed) before he becomes Godspeed. And they do it. They find him, before anything happens and... I guess that's it for now?! Again, a bit confusing so I just rolled with it. The episode than actually ends with Nora arrive to the present alongside Bart Allen which that was a huge surprise and that got me excited for the next episodes!

There were a few other little story-lines such as the Joe and Kramer one that doesn't really appeal to me, even though it was revealed that Kramer should've been dead and she isn't so there's something there, and then there's the Esperanza and Allegra story that, to be honest, was really useless because they went to great lengths to save Esperanza and then, in this episode, she just died so... Yeah, really useless story-line.

Anyway, that's it from me. Not as good as the last one but not as bad as the remaining of the season so... Let me know what you thought of this episode and if you're excited about the last two and I'll talk to you next week!



Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 15 - "Enemy at the Gates"

Spoiler Alert!


Hey people!

I know, I know... Once again I'm pretty late with this rant... This year has been tough on me so I've been taking some time with the stuff that I do, so I hope you understand. Luckily, today I bring you a good rant!

Who would have thought?! That's right, The Flash finally did it and brought us a nice episode. Of course there was still some things that could've been improved and stuff that were unnecessary but, overall, I would say this was a pretty good episode! And I don't know if there's anything to do with that but, coincidentally, this was an episode without Iris... I don't know if that played a part, I just know that I enjoyed this episode and it didn't have Iris... I'm just saying...

So, this episode revolved around two main things - Barry thinking that Iris is pregnant and Godspeed being back! Well, it turns out it's not the real Godspeed but it didn't really matter because they (yes, multiple Godspeeds) brought us some good fights - fights where Barry couldn't 'defeat' them with words. That's right, this episode had actual fights and that was one of the things that made me like this episode!

I've seen people complain about the fact that the 'words' and the 'love' is a nice metaphor for not having to fight and that things can work out with words and people can change and whatnot and, I get it, but that doesn't make for a good superhero show. Yes, it's a nice message, but the show is supposed to be entertaining and not having fight scenes makes for a boring show... At least, when it comes to superheroes. So yes, I liked that Barry and the rest of Team Flash had to actually fight the bad guys here.

The other thing that made me like this episode, and to be honest, my favorite thing about the show right now - Frost and Chillblaine's  'relationship'. We got to see a bit more of that in this episode, to the point that Chillblaine even helped Team Flash fight the Godspeeds. In the end he ended up 'betraying' Frost but, everything up until that point was so cool - the fights, the chemistry, the puns... I'm really enjoying having another romantic relationship in the show (other than Barry and Iris, which you know how I feel about them). And to be fair, I haven't been into a couple, like shipping them, in a while so... I can't wait to see more of Frost and Chillblaine!

And well, in the end of the episode, as Team Flash is loosing (believe it or not), more Godspeeds appear to fight the other Godspeeds and that was an ending! Not only it was so unexpected but it was also quite confusing and I can't wait to find out more about that because yes, next episode will have Godspeed again and, apparently, the real one, so that should be fun!

Something else that caught me off guard was Barry and Iris' pregnancy test results. Turns out Iris is not pregnant and that was a surprising. Knowing that we will have Bart Allen in a future episode (as well as Nora) that made me think that the test would be positive but it would be a boy and not a girl, which even Chester hinted to that so yeah, I was surprised with the results.

Apart from those main stories there was also a tiny story about Caitlin removing Esperanza's Black hole chip and the story with Joe helping Kramer going after that guy (who I can't remember the name of nor I care much to know). This last story was even the end of the episode which, to be honest, as pretty underwhelming. They made us believe that Joe and Kramer died but it's pretty clear they didn't. Also, I liked it better when Joe was after Kramer, not helping her... I still think she's hiding something but we'll see...

Okay, that's it for this week's episode. As I said, overall, it was so much better than the previous ones and I'm excited about the Godspeed story-line as well as the romantic story between Chillblaine and Frost so that's nice. I don't care much for Esperanza nor Joe's story but let's see where that goes.

Let me know what you thought of this episode and, once again, I'm sorry for being late (again). I'll see you next week with another rant!

