Spoiler Alert!
As promised, here I am with episode 2 of American Horror Story: NYC. Unfortunately, there's not much to talk about this episode.
I sort of predicted this but, to me, this episode wasn't as interesting as the previous one. Some things happen but, in my opinion, nothing to really further the plot.
We sort of find out who kidnapped Gino, who's then freed because of his Marine tattoo, we see a bit more of Dr. Wells involvement in all of this (this whole thing is probably about AIDS) and we see the police not really doing much about what is happening.
Honestly, this episode was kind of messy with a lot of things thrown that aren't really that well explained (which I assume is because they have to build things up) but it just felt like messy writting.
The last interesting thing that happened was, while out in a bar, Gino and Patrick basically witness the killer stabing a man in the neck and, later on, the police discovering body parts in an alleyway strung up on meat hooks.
There's already a bunch of ideas being thrown around, one of them being the fact that Big Daddy might be a ghost, which I could see happen, after all, this is American Horror Story, as well as the possibility of there being two killers, which I also believe.
Ultimately, if this is about AIDS and the conspiracy of how the government maybe created the virus, I don't see why there's multiple killers but... we never know...
That's it from me, to be honest. As I said, not much happened in this episode but I'm curious to see where this leads...
Let me know what you think is happening - do you think there's multiple killers? or is this just about AIDS? Tell me everything in the comments and I'll talk to you later with new rants!
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