
Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Flash | Season 9 Episode 13 - "A New World, Part Four"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!

So here it is... The final episode of The Flash! 

I wish I brought you an amazing rant and I wish I was excited about this ending but... That isn't the case. 

As expected, the finale of The Flash was just like the remaining of the season (and the past few seasons) - just average (if not kinda bad). The thing is, they rushed everything so much! I get it, they had a ton of storylines to wrap up, but I guess they should have thought about that in the previous episodes. This episode should have been exciting and so unpredictable and, apart from one little detail, it was just more of the same... Same rushed plots, same lame conclusions and same focus on all the other characters that you don't care so much about...

The beginning of the episode was actually pretty exciting, with Eddie - now Cobalt Blue - resurrecting Thawne, Zoom, Savitar and Godspeed, all the past villains. Well, needless to say that I was pretty excited about Zoom's comeback but all of that was shortlived. They are all defeated by the halfway point and the remaining of the episode is focused on tying up loose ends. I mean, I liked having Zoom back and, as much as I was tired of everything being about Thawne, I also liked having Tom Cavanagh back for one final episode.

And, in true The Flash fashion, Barry defeats Eddie by talking him out of it. I guess it is true what the show has always been, right? So Barry convinces Eddie/the Negative Speed Force to coexist and Eddie destroys the crystal. 

The next morning Nora is born and the most surprising thing of this episode - Khione ascends as the natural order's protector and as she does so she returns her body to Caitlin so yes, Caitlin is back! That was indeed surprising and was what made the episode better for me.

One week later Joe asks Cecile to marry him (which was kind of odd because I didn't even realize they weren't married yet) and Barry unleashes a lightning bolt and chooses Avery Ho, Max Mercury and Jess Chambers as new speedsters. And that's how the series end...

Personally, it was really unfilfilling... I wanted something more shocking! And as much as people might have said that it could be copying Arrow, I wish the show had ended on a 'worst' note, maybe with Barry still vanishing. They have been hinting at that throughout the whole show, and I know it was supposed to happen in crisis, but they could still make it happen and that would have been a full circle moment but... Okay...

Let me know what you thought of the series finale - Did you like it? Was it what you were expecting? What was the most surprising thing that happened? Tell me everything you thought on this finale and... Well, I guess I'll see you on a The Challenge rant or maybe on a brand new show rant... Who knows... Until then...


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Flash | Season 9 Episode 12 - "A New World, Part Three"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

So here we are... This is the second to last episode and I know I'm super late with it but I had to review it before the very last episode of the show... This is really bittersweet because this episode (episode 12) wasn't the best and that doesn't give me any hopes for the series finale. It's weird because the previous one was pretty bad and all we wanted was for them to focus on Eddie's storyline... Well, they did focus on Eddie in this one but it was just weird! Not a lot made sense and the episode just had a strange vibe overall. I can't pin point exactly what it was but it just felt wrong...

Once again, the crystal possesses someone - Nora West-Allen this time - in order to get Eddie to accept being the Negative Speed Force's vessel. Of course Barry appears just in time and escapes with Eddie. Then we learn that Eddie is angered by how his sacrifice didn't erase the Reverse-Flash and how he was forgotten and Barry lived an 'happy' life and married Iris. 

Then, there's another side plot that, honestly, that might have been why this episode just didn't make much sense and was kind of a waste of time, because we focused on Cecile after she projects her consciousness to the future and learns that she hasn't been visiting Joe and their daughter as much in the last few years and that just messes with her and makes her unable to help Team Flash in the present. That until Chester has a 'deep talk' with her and of course she suddenly is able to help them and frees Nora from the crystal's influence. 

At the same time, in the future, Eddie asks 2049 Iris to be with him again, but she rejects him. After that the timeline begins to fracture and 2049 Iris talks with present Barry before he is pulled away again. The episode ends with Eddie accepting the power of the crystal and opening up a portal.

We do know that this last episode will deal with multiple villains from all The Flash's seasons, one of them being Zoom, which I am indeed excited about, but I'm also cautious because from the last few episodes, it doesn't really look like they will be able to wrap everything up the best way but we'll see... 

So this is the final time we are able to speculate and theorize so let me know, in this last few minutes, what do you think will happen in the series finale and do you think Barry will vanish at the end? I would say yes and I that's the way I would want the show to end - no happy ending - but I hope they will be able to surprise me (in a good way, of course). Anyway, let me know all your final thoughts and I'll see you in the last The Flash rant! I will miss the show even though this past few seasons have been sh*t.


Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Flash | Season 9 Episode 11 - "A New World, Part Two"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

Back for another The Flash review and, just like that, they're back to the bad episodes.

I guess it really was hoping for too much to keep doing solid episodes... But the truth is, they had something really interesting to work with here, but instead on focusing on that, they decided to focus on something that doesn't make a lot of sense to begin with. What I'm talking about is the Khione storyline.

Don't get me wrong, I like Khione and her whole dynamic with Mark is really interesting, but her character since the begining felt odd and forced. Getting rid of both Frost and Caitlin so we could have Khione, on the final season of The Flash felt wrong and this episode just proved that they rushed this whole thing and it just doesn't sit ride with audiences.

Basically this whole episode was about Mark coming back, possessed by the blue crystal (as we later in the episode learn) and try to seperate Team Flash from each other in order to get to Iris. It's then that we learn that the blue crystal has something to do with the Negative Speed Force, and that's also when Nora (the Speed Force) appears to save Iris from 'Mark'. 

Also as I mentioned before, the other main plot of this episode was get Khione to her 'full potential' and that's her who 'defeats' Mark in a pretty cool scene, I might add, but again - everything felt really rushed.

Apart from that storyline, the other more interesting one dealt with Malcolm Gilmore - Eddie's doppleganger. We follow him trying to figure out who Eddie was and later in the episode he hears a voice telling him to find Iris. In all of this he ends up digging into Eddie's grave just to find it empty. The episode basically ends with him realizing that he is Eddie!

Well, needless to say that I was very confused with this last bit and with the episode in geral. Mainly because all of this was supposed to be happening at the same time as the events in the last episode - and that wasn't made very clear in this particular episode. It's also a shame that the main focus of the episode was the whole thing with the Negative Speed Force and with Khione because, honestly, the bits with Eddie were way more interesting. And with only two episodes left, needless to say that my hopes that the show will end on a high note are slim to none. The only thing that still gets me going now is the fact that Zoom hasn't appeared yet so he might be the villain at the end and I'm not mad at that. We'll see...

But I guess that's pretty much it from me for this episode. Unfortunately, not a good one. But let me know what you thought of this episode and do you think they'll manage to end the show in a good way? Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll talk to you next week!


Monday, May 8, 2023

The Flash | Season 9 Episode 8-10

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

I know, I know... This time I've really messed up and I didn't post for a whole month (or more, I can't even remember) and so, because of that, because I've missed two posts already, I decided to just rant about the last three episodes all in just one post - I hope you don't mind. So, I have a lot to get through so let's get to it!

Episode 8 was a whole mess! I don't remember a lot from that episode (I guess I blocked a lot of it because it was that bad) but I remember that it was about Barry and Iris being trapped in the STAR Labs with a few DOE agents and then, when they realize what happened, they get trapped in a time loop until they figure out who stole a time magnet. The whole thing was so cliché and felt like a recycled storyline.

This season we've had them stuck in the same day, Iris trapped in a dream and now them trapped in a time loop?! It just felt like more of the same and, right away, I was so uninterested.

Everything became even worst when they figure out who did steal the time magnet and it all came down to the person that didn't know the name of a particular thing (don't ask me what because I don't remember it). Barry then is able to convince her to restore the time magnet and be arrested instead of dying and so the time loop stops. That was it for episode 8 - really underwhelming. Luckily, things got better so let's move on to Episode 9.

Episode 9 was the one I was most excited about - Stephen Amell's come back as Arrow! And I'm so happy that Oliver was there for real! 

The way the episode started really looked like it was going to be something set in a dream or it was just an illusion (because it was all about Ramsey Rosso messing with Barry again) but gladly it wasn't 'fake'. Basically Ramsey 'possessed' Wally and Wally killed Barry. But before Barry really died, in a 'purgatory' world, he met with Oliver who helps Barry accept the guilt he feels and then resurrects Barry. But not just that! In order to help him defeat Ramsey, Oliver also comes back to the real world and Barry, Oliver, Diggle and Wally both fight Ramsey to restore the multiverse! Everything was really emotional and having Oliver back, even if just for one episode made everything worth it! 

The latest episode, Episode 10, was the beginning of a new storyline, the ending one and, after that last episode I really wasn't hopeful. I really thought having Oliver in the episode was the peak for this season and, even though Episode 10 wasn't the best, I'm gald I was wrong and this new story looks pretty interesting. It's just unfortunate that it took them 9 episodes to get to the actual storyline they wanted to pursue this season... What a waste of 8 episodes...

But anyway, this last episode sees Barry travel back in time to the day his mother dies. As you can imagine, this episode was really nostalgic, with a lot of references to the first seasons, which was great! Barry goes to Joe for help and, for the first time, Barry seems really careful with everything he does so he won't mess up the timeline. Unfortunately Joe can't really help and when he goes to someone else he's attacked by Thawne - yes, Thawne again. That's when his parents help him, not knowing who he really his, and take him to the hospital and later they all have dinner together. It's after all of that that Barry meets with Thawne and the later gloats about Barry not being able to stop his plan of killing younger Barry. 

After a few things happen, Barry participates in the fight in which Thawne kills Nora and we have one of the coolest scenes with a ton of Barrys from different timelines and with the 'present day' Barry warning one of the other ones to not interfere. Afterwards, Barry tells Thawne that he has made peace with Nora's death and is transported away again.

The episode ends with someone that looks like Eddie Thawne being struck by lightning and finding a file about Eddie's death, wondering who he really is.

As I said, this final episodes look like are going to bring something interesting and I did like both episode 9 and 10 and loved all the nostalgic bits and references to ealy seasons, so let's hope the remaining 3 episodes are just as good as this past ones and hopefully it's not about Thawne again because, although he is one of the best villains The Flash has ever had, I'm tired of being always about him. Also, Zoom hasn't appeared yet so... Let's see how he comes back and how everything ties in.

Well, that's it from me and again I'm sorry for not posting for so long. Hopefully you're still interested in my thoughts and I really didn't want to just stop posting, not when there's one three episodes left. With saying that, let me know your thoughts on the last episodes and what are your predictions for the next three episodes!
