
Monday, February 1, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 10 - "Blood Debts"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally, I'm back with my Arrow rants! I'm sorry I took some time with uploading an Arrow rant, but I'm currently watching too many series, so some of them get behind, but I'm back and I'm so glad I'm back, because this episode was just so amazing! Heartbreaking, but amazing!
In the last episode, we saw that Felicity had been shot and that made me really mad and sad and worried, even though I knew they weren't going to kill Felicity's character, at least, not yet. And, that's what happens, she does get really badly injured but she doesn't die.
With this, obviously, Oliver went out after Darhk, turning to every source that he could find, including Captain Lance and Diggle's brother, Andy.
They get a pretty good lead but no signs of Darhk, just a bunch of ghosts dead and a symbol painted in blood, and 'anarchy symbol', meaning that Machin is back. I don't know it is just me but, I seriously can't remember this Machin guy, neither what Thea did to him. If you remember, please tell me in the comments in which season and episode he appears because I don't have clue.
Anyways, since Machin is also after Darhk, Team Arrow decided to go after Machin to get some information. Unfortunately, he doesn't tell anything and he gets arrested.
Oliver then decides to get Machin free so they can track him and find where's Darhk. Meanwhile, Andy finally tells Diggle some information and they go after that lead,
They find Machin in Darhk's house, with Darhk's family, so Team Arrow free Darhk's family but Machin excapes in the process.
Darhk then appears and, when I thought Oliver was going to kill him... He just let him go! Like, for real?! I just got really mad, to be honest. I know they wouldn't kill Darhk just yet but... Oliver didn't even try?! It was so messed up. And then, Darhk let him go just because Oliver saved his family, but not leaving without a threat, of course.
Apart from that scene that I was so schocked about, there were some pretty nice scenes, mostly Olicity scenes. I have to say, this episode made me love Olicity even more. I seriously ship them so hard! Those scenes were just so beautiful, even thought I was really sad about Felicity being paralyzed. I hope that they make a twist or something and she gets all good again, let's just pray.
About the flashbacks... Not much happened, to be honest. We see something about the tattoo that Costantine 'transfered' to Oliver, but I didn't understand that that well so, let's see what happens. 
And, the episode ended with another flashforward about who's going to die and we finally that is isn't Felicity, because she appears in the car with Oliver so, that leaves us with 'who died?'. I saw some theories saying that it might be Thea, others tell it might be Lance and I recently saw a theory that said it was going to be Laurel. To be honest, I think it's Lance, but that doesn't really make sense with Barry there... So... I don't know... Leave me your theories in the comments, it would be fun to share our theories.
Hope you liked the rant and expect another one really soon.

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