
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Shadowhunters | Season 2 Episode 4 - "Day of Wrath"

Spoiler Alert!

I told you I would be back with a new Shadowhunters rant!
So, this week a lot happened! And, I must say, this was one of the best episodes so far and the best this season so that says a lot.
I also heard that this was 'officially' the episode were they start having the new showrunners and everything, so it makes sense that this episode would be better, and it was! Right away, I notices way better camera angles, a better photography and better special effects. I also think the way they intertwined the 'storylines' in this episode was way better and, overall, it was a good episode. Oh, and I also think this episode had kind of a Supernatural vibe (maybe because of the demons and all) so I think that made me like the episode even more.
Anyway so the episode starts with Clary visiting Jace at the City of Bones. There we also find Hodge, who, actually, I have wondered were he was, but I just forgot about it thinking that they wouldn't mention him anymore. Well, they brough him back this episode, but I think it was just to tie up a loose end, because Valentine ends up killing him in the end of the episode. Anyway, it was something nice because this way we can 'end' some storylines that were left hanging.
Then, we have our biggest storyline this episode, the demon that is on the loose. Alec, Clary and Izzy go after that demon but he ends up inside the institute. This demon gets inside a different number of shadowhunters, including Raj, who attacks Lydia and then Alec, who ends up killing Jocelyn.
I'm going to be completely honest with yout, Jocelyn's death wasn't a big deal for me. To tell you the truth, I'm kind of glad she died. I spent the whole episode saying that I hated her and that out of all the characters from all the tv shows that I watch (which are a lot) she's my second least favourite character of all time, right after Sarah from Arrow/Legends of Tomorrow. So, her death wasn't a big deal. I understand that it was a plot twist and it was made to get some impact on most of us but... It just didn't work with me.
After Alec, the demon moves on to Izzy and, luckily, Clary manages to kill the demon (whithout killing Isabelle, obviously). It was a pretty big thing for Clary to kill the demon, still, doesn't make Clary a good shadowhunter or a good character, I'm sorry.
And then, we have our final storyline this episode, with Simon, obviously. So, Aldertree threatens Raphael about Camille and so Raphael goes to Magnus for help. At the same time, Simon is trying to open the box that he got from Camille's place and after attempting and failing, he also goes to Manus for help. That's when Raphael tells him that what's inside the box it's Camille's grave dirt and that with that they'll be able to summon her. Magnus manages to do that and sends her to the Clave. 
Again, one more loose end that the new 'management' of the show had to tie up. 
Anyway, it didn't bother me too much because the main storyline of the episode was big enough to cover that up so, overall, it was a good episode.
I'm excited to see what comes next, since we have tied up basically all the loose ends.
So, tell me in the comments your thoughts about this episode and let me know which are you preditions for future episodes.
I'll see you later with a brand new The Flash episode!

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