
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 11 - "Second Chances"

Spoiler Alert!

Once again, I'm sorry I took this long with this update. But I'm here now so let's talk about Arrow!
This was a good episode in my opinion. Not my favourite one, but certainly better then the last one.
Last week's episode was too predictable (except for Felicity) so this one was a lot more exciting.
Starting off right with some cool stuff, we see a connection to The Flash, when they do a flashback to the S.T.A.R. Labs incident and we see some more metas getting their powers.
Then, we jump to present day and start on with the Diggle storyline which was, overall, pretty cool. Once again, we had a lot more of Felicity in this episode, when she's in 'charge' to recover some files to get Diggle free. 
And, since we're already in that topic, let's talk about this part of the episode. So, Felicity keeps on digging to get that file when she goes into the dark web and starts talking with someone that knows her previous 'online nickname' and wants to meet with her. The outcome isn't that exciting because, at first, I thought this person would be Felicity's dad or someone more 'important' in the show. Instead, is just like a really nerdy girl which has 'Felicity' (or who she used to be) as an idol. Anyway, this girl gives Felicity the file that she needed and a lot more, and at the end of the episode we see Felicity overwhelmed with all the files in that PEN Drive that this girl gave to her. I don't know if they're going to do more with this storyline but, for now, what matters is that Diggle is free and I'm happy about that outcome.
Now, to the main storyline of this episode, which was getting a new Black Canary.
Oliver isn't happy with none of the options the team gives to him, but that's until Curtis talks about a girl named Tina who has been taking down some people. Tina is one of the metas we saw in the flashback right at the beginning of the episode and, at first, Oliver is relutant, but then he decides to go, alongside with Curtis and Rene, to Hub City and try t recruit this girl.
At first Tina refuses to join the Team, but that's when Oliver and the boys discover what her real purpose is, to kill the man that killed her boyfriend/husband (I don't really remember). We also find out that that man is now also a meta-human and has powers which are basically the reverse of Tina's (which is the same Canary Cry as Laurel 'had').
At the end, Oliver, Rene and Curtis help her take down this man. Still, Tina seems not happy about joining the Team.
But, the very end of the episode, Tina meets with Oliver and agrees to join the Team and reveals her real name Dinah Drake. I know that this piece of information was crucial for all the comics readors but, for me, that have never read the comics, it was just a really nice touch of the writers that her real name is Dinah when Laurel's actual first name was Dinah too so... It was nice. Besides, I also liked this Tina/Dinah girl so, yeah, happy with this.
And, because we need to talk about the flashbacks... We see Talia helping Oliver to kill one of Kovar's associates and we see how Oliver really became the Green Arrow (previously, The Vigilante).
That's it guys! Like I said, a good episode overall.
Next episode I think it's going to be great because we are going to see Bratva in present time so, that's going to tie up everything.
I'll see you later with a new series rant, a series that I've never talked about here on the blog so... It's going to be exciting!

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