
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 13 - "Attack on Gorilla City"

Spoiler Alert!

The first episode of the two part about Grodd is here, so I'm going to talk about it!
Right from when it was announced, I got pretty excited about this episode, and when I found out that it was going to be a two part episode I got even more excited but right now... I got a little disappointed.
Don't take this the wrong way, I really liked the episode, but you know when you are just really excited about something that when it really 'happens' it isn't like you thought it would happen? It was basically the same thing for me with this episode. It was good, not just that good.
The episode starts right where the previous one ended, which is kind of unusual for The Flash. Jesse explains how and why Harry was captured by Grodd. Turns out, he was there in an expedition and it was ambushed.
In that moment, Barry remembers one of the things that were on the news, and that the city would be attacked by Gorillas so, right away, Barry thinks that if he goes there and saves Harry he might be able to stop this attack and that is one step closer to change the future where Iris is killed.
So, obviously, he volunteers to go there. Also, he needs Cisco to open the breaches so, obviously, Cisco goes as well. And, just a side note but, it was just me that noticed that Cisco is still a bit bitter towards Barry? I thought that was already behind, but it seems like he is still mad at him... I don't know, it might have been just me but if you noticed it to, please tell me in the comments.
Anyway, so besides Barry and Cisco, Caitlin also volunteers because she has a psychic connection with Grodd, and that might help and, when he finds out about the 'expedition' to Earth-2, Julian also wants to go.
That was actually one of my favourite parts of the episode for various reasons. First, Jaitlin! Let's just say that the main reason why Julian wanted to go was because Caitlin was also going and he wanted to protect her, which I thought was super cute. And second, Tom Felton was actually on the Planet of the Apes movie and this was so Ironic! I love this show for this subtle (but not so subtle) references and puns.
So, when they arrive at Gorilla City, they are captured by Grodd and they find out that he wants to defeat the lider of the City, Solovar, who is thinking about attacking Earth-1 and Central City.
Barry agrees to fight Solovar in the arena in exchanging for the lives of the others, ending up winning and killing Solovar.
That's the moment when we find out Grodd's real plan. He is the one that is planning the attack on Central City and now, with Solovar dead, he's taking his place and preparing for the attack. The only issue is that he needs Cisco to open a breach, which he refuses to. They then start thinking about killing Cisco and such but then end up 'killin' Barry. Caitlin uses her powers and 'freezes' him, to which Grodd takes him out of the cage and just tosses him in a corner. Grodd leaves and that's when Barry is able to 'vibrate', warm up and get back to life and free all the others.
They get to leave Earth-2 before Grodd gets to them but we all know that, because this is a two part episode, that Grodd is going to attack Central City anyway.
They get back to Earth-1 and there we have some cute moments with some couples, such as Jesse and Wally, to which Jesse decides to stay in Earth-1 to be with Wally and then the Jaitlin moment, in which Julian finally admits that he cares about Caitlin and, in a way, he loves her. He doesn't say it like this but that's what he meant. Unfortunatelly, Caitlin says that she doesn't really have much luck with men and, it is actually true because all of her men end up dead. But, the good thing is, she didn't say that she didn't love him so there's still change for them to be together, which I really hope ends up happening!
And yeah, in the end we see that Grodd got an hold on Gypsy and it's her who ends up opening the breach for him and his army.
I feel like the next part is going to have a lot more action so I'm excited for that! Hopefully the episode will be better than this one. Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch it live because I'm starting University again next week so... That's the downside.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts in the comments. Did you like this episode? Are you excited for next one? Tell me everything!
I'll see you with a new rant tomorrow!

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