
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Shadowhunters | Season 2 Episode 7 - "How Are Thou Fallen"

Spoiler Alert!

I know I told you that my next rant was going to be an Arrow rant, and that one is still coming, but right now, let's talk about Shadowhunters.
I'm going to be real with you... This episode just wasn't good.
There were previous episodes that weren't good because they were too cringy but this one was just a real big mess!
Don't get me wrong, I loved the Malec moments (like the one in the picture) and the Simon moments but... It was all really confusing! And, because we are already talking about Simon... What's up with everyone wanted to be with Simon in this episode? It's like the writers/producers thought 'Well, he hasn't been interacting with a lot of the cast lately. Let's make him talk with everyone in this episode!'. I mean, c'mon! I liked all that since with him and Jace in the bar (not because of Jace, that you can be sure) but because of Simon! I love Simon and I love who he is and how he acts and I completely disagree with Jace. True Simon is way better than Jace, in my opinion.
Anyway... First, it's Clary meeting up with him for no reason... Just for us, audience, to see that she's jelous of his relationship with Maia. Then it's Izzy meeting up with him because she wants more yin fen or she wants more vampire venom but not exactly telling him in this words, and then is Jace meeting with him for no reason also, just to mess with him and make him change who he is just to get girls... It was intertaning, but I just think it was too much.
Then, all the Clary storyline with dealing with Cleophas and Valentine and all that... Again, it was interesting, all that stuff about the angel and all but, from what I've heard, I think it's too soon. They're introducing the angels too soo (from what I've heard) and it's just getting really confusing. I liked it though, to know about the angels, but I get if there's anyone 'mad' about it. I'm just not mad because I haven't read the books because, if  I had, I would probably be really disappointed at the show.
And then, my least favourite part of the episode - Izzy.
Again, from what I know, Izzy isn't an addict in yin fen in the books, neither does she have contact with it but they are making her an addicted in the series and I'm seriously not liking this storyline. I get that she has been a little 'off' in this past episodes but... This is not the right storyline for her. I want the strong Izzy we had in season one.
But, because this episode wasn't all bad, let's end with a good note, Malec. Magnus and Alec were really cute in this episode. I mean, they always are but Alec in this episode was super cute and then we also see Magnus really caring about Alec and having his own insecurities and, it was all just really cute! I'm glad we had this in this episode!
And yeah, I think that's pretty much it.
I think this is the worst rant I had like, the one that says a lot of bad things about and episode but, I'm here to say the truth and say what I really think and this was what I thought about the episode.
Please, feel free to tell me what you thought about the episode and I'll see you in a minute with the Arrow rant.

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