
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 17 - "Brothers in Arms"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Prepare yourself because I have a whole lot to talk about this episode!
Unlike I was expecting, this was a pretty good episode! Hell, I even liked it better than the previous one, which I wasn't really expecting. Truth be told, I thought this was going to be another filler type of episode, with that whole fight with Diggle but, in fact, I really enjoyed all of it and I liked that the story is tighting and I can see this ended with a Bang! Not like in the previous season but still, it is looking like it's going to be quite something.
Well, the episode started really nicely with Dinah get Anatoly. Of course this couldn't end well because all Star City is corrupted by Diaz so Anatoly went free and killed one of the officers that arrested him. Because of that, Dinah and Curtis moved all the other cops, including Curtis' new boyfriend, Nick, while OTA started looking for the place where they were keeping/making the Vertigo. At the same time, Oliver as mayor, cut the crap and approached Detective Hill and the DA Armand and told them he knew that they were working for Diaz. They told Oliver why to which Oliver responded he could protect them and such. Obviousy they didn't accept so Oliver just fired them. I was actually really glad about that! I mean, Oliver is Mayor, he can do it so he just did, even thought that bite him in the ass in the end but anyway, I still agree with his call (I guess I'm not Diggle, right?).
Until now everything is pretty calm, just with Felicity telling Oliver to just tell John about the hood. Oliver eventually tells him and Diggle doesn't take it very well. He then goes to Lyla, which was nice, she hasn't been on the show for a long time so I liked it. Well, she also said that she's been away since before December so, it's nice when the writers include those little things that sometimes leave us asking.
Anyway, Lyla give him some advice and, when John goes to Oliver, that's when Oliver appologizes and it looks like everything is okay but then they go into the field and things don't go very well. Diggle does to Lyla again and that's when Lyla tells him that maybe he's mad not because of the 'suit' but because Oliver haven't been making good calls.
Diggle goes to Oliver (again) and that's when things go sour. But one good thing came out of that - the writting. That argument between the two was really well written and I just loved it. Well, I didn't like that they started fighting and that they said some pretty nasty stuff and that it had to be Felicity to stop the fight (always my girl) but, overall, this was a great scene though.
Then, they went to the field again, and it was pretty nice and they destroyed all of Diaz's Vertigo which was nice!
Unfortunatelly, things didn't end that well because Diggle left the Team. That was a pretty sad moment because I love OTA and now it's just Oliver and Felicity (Olicity Forever) but not for long though, because from what we've seen in the preview for next week and from what the producers have been saying, Felicity is also going to 'leave' Oliver because this season is about Oliver loosing everyone so... That is going to be pretty sad.
And then, the episode ended with two things - Nick and Curtis talking about the first finding out about the second being a vigilante, as well as Nick letting Dinah know that they were all 'fired' and that last scene with Diaz and Black Siren. Wow! I wasn't expecting that! I still don't know if she's like a double agent but... I don't like her and I hope she dies really. I'm rooting for it!
Okay, I guess that's pretty much it.
Let me know what you thought about the episode, I'm really curious. I'll see you next week with brand new rants.

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