
Friday, May 3, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 20 - "Gone Rogue"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
I'm sorry I took some time with this rant. But, you know the drill, let's not get into that and instead talk about the actual episode.
I have quite mixed feelings about this episode. The first time that I watched it (which I should mention, I only caught half of the episode, the last half) I thought it was rubbish. I thought it didn't do much, mostly thinking that we are one episode away from the season finale but then, after actually watching it, I thought it wasn't that bad. Yes, pretty much the whole episode was pointless, but there were few things that I enjoyed about the episode (*cough*Ralph*cough*) and mainly, I think this whole episode foreshadowed a lot that is going to happen in the remaining episodes and that's the best part of the episode. The whole thing with Nora was just really pointless and boring, and all of it just to introduce us to a gun that can destroy Cicada's dagger... It was a bit underwhelming, but in the end, it was okay...
But, because I always get more deep than that, let's get into some actual events. So, as I mentioned before, the majority of this episode was about Nora and the fact that she joined some Rogues in order to rob an weapons company. The Rogues that she joined were some interesting choices - Weather Witch, who had a soft spot for Nora in previous episodes, Rag Doll who always brings the creep factor, and which I love, and Brie Larvan, which is such a throwback to Arrow, and what is even mentioned by Cisco in the episode. Anyway, everything is going great with Nora's plan until.. It isn't. As you can expect, the bad guys turned on her and threatened to kill all the employees unless the Flash reveals his identity to the world. While Sherloque distracts the Rogues as a hologram of the Flash, Barry, Iris and Joe show up, where Iris and Joe help the hostages, ending in a fight with Rag Doll, which was pretty creepy but, once again, so cool, and Barry teams up with Nora to stop the remaining Rogues. In the end, as expected, they are able to stop the Rogues and, back at STAR Labs, that's when Nora reveals she was trying to steal a mirror gun capable of destroying Cicada's dagger. 
Meanwhile, Caitlin and Ralph discover that Cisco's meta-human cure prototypes have been stolen and realize that Cicada can use them, along with the atomizer she stole last episode, to kill all meta-humans on the planet.
I was kinds bummed that that was the only reason why Caitlin and Ralph went to Catlin's dad lab but I loved the talk that Caitlin and Ralph had about Ralph's love life and, I might be a bit biased but, congrats to Hartley because he really sold that moment like, he didn't need to say anything, just the expression on Ralph's face was enough to break my heart and that says a lot about an actor.
Anyway, in the very end we see Cicada working on the cryo-atomizer and seeing her uncle by her side which, I might say, really confused me. I believe that was just her thinking about him but... Who knows?!
And well, before I end, I would just like to point out one last thing, which is the talk that Sherloque and Cisco kept having this episode. It wasn't the first time but in this episode it was pretty evident that they are setting up Cisco giving up his powers and maybe even leaving the show?! I know there has been some rumors about Carlos leaving the show but then I think I read somewhere that they were denied but I don't know anymore. All I know is that the foreshadowing has been pretty heavy and I really believe that's about to happen.
So, let me know your thoughts on this episode, as well as your predictions and theories and I'll see you next week with new rants!

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