Spoiler Alert!
Hello people!
Yes, a bit late but, since this is the Season Finale, I thought I could take a break for one day and just post today, I hope you don't mind.
I'm so surprised to say that Arrow's Season Finale was better than The Flash's. Yes, you heard it right! After all those weeks about 'bashing' Arrow and being so hyped about The Flash turned out that The Flash's Season Finale didn't live up to expectations.
The beginning of the episode was actually nice. We see the after math of last episode's huge cliffhanger, where Ralph puts himself in front of the dagger and he's the one affected by the mirror gun, leaving him in kind of 'pieces' (it's something really weird that I don't know how to explain) which leads to Cicada being able to escape (with the dagger).
Post that, the Team is really confused about why Ralph did what he did. Luckily, Sherloque understands everything and proceeds to explain Thawne's plan to the Team. After that, Nora realizes she has been played and then comes up with a plan to defeat Cicada without getting rid of the dagger.
The Team tracks Cicada to her younger self where Nora enter her mind and with help from a reformed Orlin is able to convince young Grace to take the meta-human cure. However, the shard in Grace's forehead is too powerful and Barry has to destroy the dagger with the mirror gun, which leads to adult Grace being erased while Thawne, back in 2049 gets his powers back.
Then, comes to 'exciting' part of the episode - Team Flash against Thawne (again).
They come up with a pretty cool plan where Barry and Nora are able to, in the end, subdue Thawne but, as they are about to 'kill him', a new timeline is coming into action and is trying to erase Nora. Thawne reveals that the only way to save Nora is for her to reenter the Negative Speed Force, however, Nora refuses to go back there, afraid to become like Thawne and ends up 'dying' in her parents arms. (Thawne also gets away in the meantime)
This was something that left me with mixed feelings. As sad as it was to see Barry and Iris being sad about their daughter being erased, Nora has been so annoying in this last few episodes that... I just didn't really care. It was exactly the same that it was with Emiko - I just felt relieved and happy that we are done with those story-lines (both Emiko and Nora) and we are ready to move forward.
After that, a similar thing to the one that happened in Arrow happened here as well - we see a bit of each character moving on, with Sherloque going back to his Earth and Cisco taking the meta-human cure. This last part was something that we knew was going to happen but it left me a bit confused - it was told that we were going to loose two main characters/actors in this season finale and, obviously, one of those was Nora but the other one I have no idea. I always thought that Cisco was going to leave, but they didn't really address it so... Where they talking about Sherloque?! Because, from what I understood, Thawne (who is also played by Tom) is going to be back next season so... Something here doesn't add up so, if you understood, please let me know.
Something else really cool that happened was Joe being promoted to Captain and also (former) Captain Singh letting them know that he knows that Barry is the Flash. At this point basically everyone knows that Barry is the Flash, and that's just really funny, to be honest.
In the very end of the episode both Barry and Iris find a farewell message from Nora and we, the audience, see the date of the crisis in the future newspaper changing from 2024 to 2019 so... Does that mean that not only Oliver is going to die but Barry is also going to vanish?! I'm really curious about this whole thing!
Both series look like are going to deal with Crisis the whole season and... I don't know how I feel about that. On one hand I'm excited but I'm also afraid they are going to mess things up. But anyway, let's see what the next season brings! For now, I'm excited and I just can't wait!
Let me know what you thought about this season finale and I'll see you guys in my next rant!
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