Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone!
Thanks for bearing with me on this late posts. I now know that I already have one more The Flash and Arrow rants to post, and hopefully they will be up today, but I can't promise you anything so if not today, tomorrow they will be for sure!
But let's talk about Supernatural's latest episode.
I have to say that I wasn't that impressed. I loved the first episode of the season but this one, as much as I loved all the comebacks, I felt like the story wasn't really there. Maybe it was just me that wasn't in the 'mood' when I watched but that's what I felt.
This episode was a pretty straight forward continuation of the last one - with trying to keep people out of the 'danger zone' as well as trying to keep the ghosts inside the barrier as it starts to weaken.
We meet a 'new' ghost - Francis Tumblety - better know as Jack, the Ripper, who leads the ghosts onto plotting a way to escape the barrier zone.
As the ghosts plan their escapes, the Winchester work on a way to permanently contain the ghosts and that's when Rowena comes in - working on a spell to try to do so. Basically at the same time we see Rowena 'come back' we also get Ketch back who reveals he was hired by a demon named Ardat to kill Belphegor. But the surprises weren't over. After Rowena and Ketch, Sam and Dean also receive help from Kevin Tran, who lets them know that he didn't go to Heaven when he died - instead, Chuck sent him to Hell.
A few things happen in the episode but the only thing that was truly memorable to me was Rowena and Ketch's flirt moments. It was pretty funny and I guess it's just basically part of Rowena's character now - to flirt with a bunch of characters that we know.
Well, in the end, they manage to contain the ghosts inside the crystal but pretty soon a bunch more raised from Hell so... It's clearly not over. Also, unfortunately, we say goodbye to Kevin pretty quickly as he decides not to go back to Hell and wonder the Earth as a ghost.
There was something else quite interesting about the episode, though. At the same time this was happening to the Winchesters, we see Chuck visiting Amara in Reno, Nevada (and we get another special guest). Chuck is revealed to have been severely injured and diminished when Sam shot him and Amara, seeing that her brother hasn't changed and is still the narcissistic being he always was, refuses to help and abandons him on Earth (since he can't leave).
It's going to be interesting to see where this goes so... I'm curious. It wasn't my favorite episode, but I still can't wait to see more of this whole thing.
Let me know what you thought of this episode and I'll see you, hopefully today but, if not, tomorrow with new rants!
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