
Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 8 - "Saving Private Esther"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Yes, I know, I'm super late with a bunch of reviews but it's been a crazy week and the posts are going to be all over the place for the next week as well. Hopefully I'll get back on track by Thursday, but I can't promise anything.
Anyway, even though I'm late with everything, I did watch The Challenge's new episode so let's talk about it.
One more week, one more challenge that the US wins and the UK loses. Yes, that's right, the UK Team lost another challenge and, this time, this was awful for them because it was double elimination!
There was a lot of politics and drama and all that jazz in this episode. The teams are still split in two (both teams) and it really showed in this episode. Also, needless to say that my prayers weren't answered because the US Team didn't lose so neither Cara nor Paulie could go home. And, to make everything worse, they were both part of the Tribunal, alongside Ashley, so they weren't even up to go into elimination if the Tribunal decided to through in someone from their team. This was just awful. I mean, it was a great episode, but there's basically no one left that I actually like and right now I'm only rooting for Cara and Paulie to be sent home, basically.
So, it was a big mess when it came to the nominations. Like I said previously, the teams are split into two, including the UK Team and it looks like there teams are working together someway but, ultimately, it's UK vs US so some people went against their 'alliances'. Well, in the end, Kyle and Esther were the ones chosen. Esther because she volunteered herself since she hasn't gone into elimination yet and Kyle was just a 'numbers' thing and, to be completely honest, I think it was time for Rogan to go but, again, for some odd reason he was saved.
As for the Tribunal, they chose Georgie to go against Esther and Theo to go against Kyle. Both eliminations were pretty tied but ultimately Georgia and Theo won and both of them decided to stay in the UK Team. I have to say though, the UK Team looks pretty good right now, with some good competitors so I hope they win a challenge soon. We know that they are going to win eventually because it was shown in the preview but it can take time so I hope it doesn't.
This were my thoughts on the last The Challenge episode. I know I didn't say much but this last few episodes haven't been as exciting as the first ones but that can change anytime. In the mean time, let me know what you thought and who are you rooting for right now and I'll see you in my next rant!

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