Spoiler Alert!
Here I am with another rant - The Flash this time.
Unfortunately, unlike Arrow, this episode of The Flash wasn't the best. Not that I didn't like it, I just feel like I was way more into Arrow's one than this one. Still, we found out some interesting things about Crisis, which got me excited. Those are the best parts of this episodes, to be honest. I'm loving that everything is connected to crisis this year and, I guess, apart from Batwoman, we are going to be mentioning the Crisis a lot! I don't mind though, because I'm super duper excited about it (even if, mostly likely, Oliver is going to die in it).
But enough of shit-chat, let's talk about this week's episode.
My favorite part of the episode was, by far, Barry 'going to the future' to see the aftermath of the crisis. Yes, Barry is traveling to the future again, but this time I guess the speed-force had enough of it and he wasn't able to. However, he did go to another Earth to Jay Garrick to try and 'just go there with his mind'. It's something really difficult for me to explain, but he basically went there and he saw multiple timelines where everyone died apart from one timeline - the one where he basically sacrifices himself to save everyone else. Conclusion, Barry realizes that he does need to die in this crisis and this really messed up with him.
At the same time this is happening to Barry, we see the rest of Team Flash deal with a new meta. It was interesting because it brought up different story-lines for different characters, such as Cecile, who his on this meta's side because she can sense her. This ultimately ends with Cecile realizing that she can't be the DA anymore and she's going to defend meta's from now on, which I thought was something really cool.
We also get to see a bit more of Killer Frost and her getting more 'human'. I still don't know how I feel about this whole Killer Frost thing where she's got the spotlight now. I mean, I love Killer Frost, but I guess what made her interesting and what made us want her more was the fact that she was Caitlin all the time and once in a while we got to see Killer Frost, and I guess I preferred that. I like 'bad' Killer Frost better than this humanized version of her. Although, it's really interesting to see Danielle Panabaker doing something different and playing kind of a different character. We'll see how this goes.
And well, I guess that's it for this episode. We didn't get to see much of this seasons villain and, to be honest, I'm way more interested in the whole crisis thing so I really don't mind.
Let me know what you thought of the episode. Are you excited for crisis? Do you think Barry is really going to die? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant.
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