
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Arrow | Season 8 Episode 6 - "Reset"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
I'm sorry if this is coming a little late - too many things to do. But I'm here now so let's talk about Arrow.
Unfortunately, I don't think this was as good as the rest of the season. There were nice elements to this episode but, overall, it was exactly what I thought it would be - a filler episode. This was just a way to bring back Quentin and, as much as I love him, this didn't add to the story and so, I'm bit bummed. Still, as I said, this had nice elements so let's talk about it.
This whole episode is a loop. Oliver wakes up in a 'parallel' universe, where Quentin is alive and is the Mayor. He goes on with his night but every single time they die after finding a bomb. Eventually, Oliver realizes that he has to stop the bomb and so he does so. Unfortunately, that does nothing and he keeps stuck in the loop.
Later he finds Laurel which also tells him about the loop and so both of them try to work things out. A few attempts later, they think that the key might be to prevent Quentin's death (since he died every time) but, surprise surprise, that does nothing either.
However, in of the latter attempts to save Quentin, Laurel tells him everything that she need to say when the real Quentin died and, after that, she got free from the loop.
That really confused Oliver who, then, is faces with Lyla who tells him that he needs to realize something. But Oliver, being the stubborn that he is, he keeps trying to save Quentin and, it's when Quentin gives up, that Oliver realizes that, what he needs to understand is that he can't prevent his death during the Crisis and he needs to make peace with it.
After that, Oliver is free from the loop. Both him and Laurel wake up and find themselves, along with Mia, William, Diggle and Connor, in Liam Yu, and that's the end of the episode.
As I said, more of the same. The only thing that makes this episode special was Quentin (and the lack of Mia, who you know I find so damn annoying). This episode was also directed by David Ramsey so, there's that. It was a good episode directing wise, I just wish they had done something else with the story. Also, Lyla was so damn irritating! I know they basically tell us that she's on Oliver's side but... I just can't shake how shady she was.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on this week's Arrow. Even if this wasn't the best episode, I'm pretty stoked for the next one. Everything that involved Lian Yu is pretty great so, my expectations are a bit high.
Let me know what you thought of the episode and how do you think it all is going to end? Because we only have 4 episodes left (I don't know how I feel about that. I'm going to be devastated). 
Well, I guess I see you guys tomorrow with a new The Challenge rant!

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