
Thursday, November 14, 2019

American Horror Story: 1984 | Season 9 Episode 9 - "Final Girl"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here we are with American Horror Story: 1984's season finale.
I have to say, it was a bit bittersweet to me. What I felt towards this episode was exactly what I felt about the first one of the season - way too cheesy for me and just not that good overall. I might have just been me that know about people's theories and so, because of that, most of the episode was so predictable to me.
The episode opens with a 2019 title card and with Finn Wittrock. We already knew that he's going to be in it so no surprise there. Also, I knew right away who he was playing - Bobby, Mr. Jingles son. That was a theory that was floating around and yeah, people were totally right.
We find out that he has been receiving money from someone during all this years and now that her uncle died, he came looking for answers, thinking his father was the one sending the checks.
Bobby meets Montana and pretty soon Trevor as well. Him and us find out what happened on the day of the festival. Turns out it was basically cancelled, after Trevor putting on a 'plan' of sorts and stopped everyone from going into the Camp and that's when Margaret almost kills him - outside Camp Redwood. Luckily, Brooke shows up and she helps Trevor into the Camp in order to die there and be with Montana forever (which ended up happening).
After that, the ghosts make a plan to kill the remaining killers in the Camp - Bruce, Ramirez and Margaret. They say that Bruce was easy - Trevor attacked him and threw him outside the perimeter so he doesn't die inside the Camp. As for Ramirez, it was a bit harder. Montana was able to lure him into a cabin and there happens one of the bloodiest scenes in this episode (and maybe even the whole season). All the ghosts kill Ramirez and they agree to keep an eye on him so, every time he wakes up, they kill him again - and that's what happens for thirty years. Unfortunately, with Bobby's appearance, they kind of get distracted and Ramirez wakes up (back in 2019) and he attacks Bobby. Luckily the ghosts get onto him again and Bobby is able to get out, with Montana telling him to go to the Asylum.
There he meets Donna, who further elaborates that in 1989, the ghosts brutally murdered Margaret, but not before she killed Brooke.
With this Bobby believes that Donna was the one to send him the money, but no. And so, both of them trace Bobby's money which leads them to Brooke, who didn't die after all. She tells them that Ray helped her stay alive and she really was the one to send Bobby the money.
Still not satisfied, Bobby gets back to Camp Redwood in order to find his father. That's when he meets another ghost - Margaret. Yes, turns out she did die inside the camp and well, she doesn't mean well and she tries to kill Bobby. That's when Richter appears and saves Bobby. That was a pretty touching moment but I just couldn't shake the irony of having Twisty and Dandy hugging. It's just really ironic.
But anyway, Margaret doesn't give up and she tries again, that's when Lavinia appears and she saves Bobby this time.
In the end, Bobby shares a tearful farewell with his family and departs. And then comes the ending titles.
Overall the season wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. That first episode really teared down my hopes and I really thought this was going to be awful. Luckily, it got better with time and can't say it was a bad season. It's not on my TOP 5, but it's still not as bad as Freak Show or Coven (I said what I said).
Let me know what you thought of the season finale as well as what you thought of the season overall and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

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