Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone!
I'm back for a new week of rants and, today, I'm starting with The Flash.
Actually, both episodes of The Flash and Arrow felt almost the same, this week. Both episodes focused a lot on our main heroes - Barry and Oliver - which was nice. However, both also felt like a bit of a filler episode. The Flash's episode was a little more interesting, in my opinion, and I feel like, in a way, it had a purpose, when Arrow's episode was just a straight up filler (but I'll get into that on Arrow's review).
So, this episode starts right where the last one ended, with the 'fight' between Rosso and Ralph. Of course Ralph didn't die but Rosso got him pretty good and was able to drain is blood, leaving my poor Ralph is a pretty rough state. Luckily, Frost gets to him in time and takes him back to STAR Labs, where Barry gives him a blood transfusion (through phasing, I might add). And that's when all the real problems start.
By doing the blood transfusion, somehow, a small trace of Rosso's blood enters Barry's bloodstream and that's what creates everything that we see in the episode. Barry passes out and starts seeing things (in his mind). That's when the Speed-force appears (also inside Barry's mind) and explains to him what is happening. She also tells Barry that Rosso is slowly taking control over Barry's body and that he needs to fight it. Using Barry's memories against him, Rosso tries to convince Barry to join him, promising him the power to prevent his death as well as save everyone else from the Crisis. This creates an huge conflict inside Barry's mind and both forces (the speed-force and Rosso) get into some type of battle.
As we see that happening we cut to Cisco giving Barry Velocity X to try and get Barry to wake up and he does, saying that he 'beat it'. I don't know about you but it was pretty clear to me that something was wrong with Barry (plus, the name of the episode says Pt. 1 so, obviously, this wasn't over). Luckily, when Iris goes to check on him, she notices that something is wrong and she tells the others that he isn't Barry.
The episode ends with a fully infected Barry attacking his friends and reporting to Rosso, who's ready to start his plan as Bloodwork.
Well, I should mention that this episode also had a small side story where Iris, Allegra and Kamilla investigate the organization that turned Esperanza into a killer. There's not much to it, to be honest. This was just a plot to make Allegra tell Iris that she knows about Barry and the Crisis, that's it.
But before I finish the review I have to applaud Grant Gustin. I've always liked him (I mean, he's the reason why I started watching The Flash in the first place) and I knew he was a great actor but damn! The emotion he showed in this episode was amazing! Seriously! One of his best episodes!
Okay, I gave my shout out so, I guess that's it.
I'm really curious to see if they are going to be done with Rosso's story-line in the next episode, since the one after that is the Crisis but... What are they going to do after the Crisis?! This few episodes before the Crisis are pretty nerve wrecking and I just have no idea what to expect. With the Crisis the same! I'm super excited but I'm also super afraid so, let's see.
Let me know what you thought of the episode as well as your prediction for the future episodes (aka the Crisis) and I'll see you pretty soon with Arrow's review.
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