
Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 11 - "All Is Fair In Love And War"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody!
Damn! This episode!
Unfortunately, I had already seen some spoilers so it wasn't all a surprise. The thing I saw though wasn't directly connected to the challenges so, I still had that as a surprise and I still had an overall good experience with this episode. Obviously, there's the usual issues, such as the b*tch in the banner (can't actually believe I have her as my banner).
This season of The Challenge is really going all in and, for that, I'm super excited! But, on the other hand, it made me hate people that I used to like, such as Cara. I was never a big fan of her but this season she is really messing with my nerves and her attitude in this episode in particular was so nasty that it just shows how awful as a person she is, not only in the game. But rewinding a bit...
There was a fair amount of drama in the episode, but nothing really major. The usual stuff of people talking about the numbers and such.
As for the week's challenge... I guess the UK winning last episode was a one time thing because they lost again, pretty badly. This week's challenge was wall climbing and the UK Team did awful! The US didn't do great either with 'good' competitors falling right away, such as Cara. Then, came the choosing of the Tribunal which, again, it's a lost cause and Paulie was the speaker choosing Cara and Zach to join him. 
In terms of nominations, again, it's a lost cause and the UK decided to throw in Theo. Like, they just don't learn! I know this is as much a numbers game as it is physical but Rogan hasn't been to elimination yet and it's about time! Also, I kind of agree with Theo when he said that CT has had a free ride and, after Rogan, CT definitely should go to elimination. But if Rogan doesn't go, I can't blame CT for not going either.
Anyway, Theo is the one to go into elimination and, at this point, the US is done with not throwing people from their Team (it only mattered when Paulie and Cara were on the line... It's a rigged game, for real) and so they decide to throw in Jordan. It wasn't that bad since Jordan wanted to go anyway and, after seeing what the elimination challenge was... He was thrilled!
Needless to say that Jordan did win and not only that but he proposed to Tori! I'm not a big fan of Jordan but, this time, not only I was rooting for him but I am also really happy for him and Tori and it was just a beautiful moment! Even Paulie was happy for him, which the same can't be said about Cara who just had a really nasty comment about the ring and the whole thing - and this is what shows that she's just too far gone and she needs to get away from The Challenge, do what Camilla did and just find out who she really is because Cara is either really lost in life or she just is a nasty person.
Post that, we see a preview for next week and it's girls elimination week with a physical challenge and, I played close attention to the shots so I'm pretty positive that the UK looses again and it's Jenny and Dee to go into elimination. I would love to see Jenny in this type of challenge and I would bet all my money on her, I just really hope that she wins. No matter what, it's going to be an intense elimination and I can't wait!
And that's it for this episode. Let me know what you thought. Do you agree that Cara should take a break? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant!

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