
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Flash | Season 8 Episode 5 - "Armageddon, Part 5"

Spoiler Alert!



Here we are with the final part of the crossover and... it was a bummer... Compared to the last episode, this was pretty bad and, overall, it wasn't much better. 

The thing with this last part is that it felt really unnecessary. For once, I don't even know why they got Mia mixed with all of this (I guess it was a way to tie some loose ends from the canaries spin-off that never happened), and then, having Thawne almost die and not kill him once and for all was really a missed opportunity. I get it - they probably want to leave the door open for Tom to comeback for a finale or something but c'mon! They have recycled the Reverse Flash story-line so many times it was time to be over with it and I think that was their intent with this crossover, but it can't really be over until Thawne is dead. And then, finally, the worst thing about this episode was having Despero still around... There was no need for him to be 'the bad guy'... 

Basically, this last episode revolved around Thawne being erased from the timeline and Team Flash debating if they should or shouldn't save him. Yes, it was way too much time for that simple story-line. And a lot of things came out of nowhere, such as Caitlin's hatred for Thawne. I do understand where she's coming from, but it looked like it came out of nowhere. And she was basically the one to push everyone into letting Thawne die. As they were all agreeing on that, Joe throws a tantrum and says Barry isn't a hero if he let's Thawne die and that kind of pissed me off, to be honest. And well, in the end, they decide to not kill him. However, Despero still thinks he needs to die in order for Armageddon not to happen (even if their plan - removing Thawne's speed - would prevent it from happening anyway). 

So, Despero mind controls Mia, who attacks Team Flash and, as per usual, they use their words to get her to get back to herself and... Yeah, really boring stuff. In the end, Barry drains Thawne's speed and sends him to ARGUS.

And, in order to tie some more loose ends, Iris informs Mia of an organization who may be responsible for Williams' capture (what we saw in the Canaries Pilot). We also see Damian Darhk giving Joe his Time Stone before he disappears and is replaced by his daughter Nora. The episode ends with the timeline changing and Bart and Nora Allen appearing in a CCPD photograph from 2014.

As you can see, pretty boring stuff. It really feels like they were trying to fit in Mia in this crossover and it didn't really work because she was pointless here. Everyone else, even though a few people here in for just a few minutes, I can understand and they make sense, but not Mia. Plus, it really felt like the 'Armageddon' story-line was done last episode and this was really a stretch.

Anyway, new episodes are back in 2022 so, in the meantime, let me know what you thought of this episode as well as this crossover overall and I'll see you in my next rant!



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