Spoiler Alert!
I know, I know... Late once again... I don't need to get into that anymore so let's just move on to the actual episode.
Honestly, I barely remember this one. I do remember how it ends which was shocking but, apart from that, and from what I remember, it was a pretty underwhelming episode. And having in mind that this is the second to last episode... It's really anticlimatic. However, that ending sort of made up for it...
So, we start this episode with the same old Barry revealing his identity to Meena, which is getting pretty old and, honestly, annoying. Then, we move to the actual plot of the episode where Deon kills Thawne and, alongside the other forces, attacks Meena and the new Thawne.
Then, we see Iris appearing in 2049 to Nora and Bart, where she learns that her body is flooded with negative tachyons, preventing her from getting back to her timeline. After learning that, Nora travels to 2022 to inform Team Flash about Iris and that's when they realize that the Negative Forces infected Iris knowing that she would infect the Positive Forces.
This was honestly such a mess because, not only this story-line is super complicated, but also there's a million other story-lines going on at the same time in this episode alone. We have that one with the Forces, we have Caitlin's story-line where we see her and Mark enter the Consciousness Resurrection Chamber, we have another story-line revolving around Cecile and how she stole Rosalind Dillon's powers and later on realizing that she's now able to steal meta's powers. And, lastly, sort of back to that Forces story-line, we see a thing between Barry, Meena and the new Thawne where Barry teaches Meena to share her powers with Thawne which... Was super damn odd and made no sense to me!
But, as I said, the ending sort of made up for the mess this episode was because, while fighting the Negative Forces, Deon summons Iris and uses her as a sacrifice from Flash's attacks to resurrect the dead Thawne. Still, sort of a mess, but it was pretty surprising the fact that they 'killed' Iris. They didn't really because Candice Patton has confirmed that she will be in Season 9 so... Not much of a surprise anhymore.
Well, now we only have one episode left and, honestly, I don't have much hope for it. But, I'm really curious to know your thoughts on this episode and how you think the last one will go so let me know in the comments and I'll talk to you soon!
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