
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Challenge | Season 40 Episode 1 - "The Era Invitational, Part 1"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!

OMG, it has been ages since I've posted! Do I even know how to do this?!

I planned on ranting about the newst All Stars season but I kept on missing episodes and when I watched them they had been out for a while so I just decided "well, this isn't the main show so I'll just skip it" but this is the main show so I had to comeback for this one. Plus, this is an highly anticipated season - every Era against each other - and I'm so stoked about that!

This post won't cover every single thing that happened in this episode because so much happened (and we didn't even get to an elimination) but I'm going to try my best.

We actually jumped right into everything! The truth is, we know these people, we don't need an introduction. And I'm actually super stoked that, for once, I have multiple people here that I love - Bananas of course, but also Tony, Rachel, Nurys, Mark, Leroy, Kyland, Horacio, Devin, Derrick, Darrell, CT and Jenny is back! So the chances of someone that I like wining is high. However, there's also a ton of people that I don't like and honestly, I don't know which Era I'm rooting for. I would say Era I has the higher number of people that I like but Era IV is a close second, even tho that's also the era that has the higher number of people that I don't like at all! And then there's Era II which is Bananas' era so... It's really a mix, but I'm rambling - let's get to the first challenge.

As I said, they jumped right into a challenge and a big one with high stakes - this challenge will lead to 8 eliminations, one man and one woman for each Era, to eliminate the weak links. That was exciting, and the first ones to finish this challenge - hence safe from elimination - were also pretty good - CT and Rachel for Era I, Cory and Tori for Era III, but unfortunately, even though both Bananas and Horacio won for their respective Eras, Michele and Laurel also won so... It's not all good. 

Then, straight into elimination were the ones that finished last - Mark and Katie for Era I, Ryan and KellyAnne for Era II, Leroy and Nia for Era III and Theo and Nurys for Era IV. This does make for an exciting elimination but it's not the best case scenario.

Everyone else that didn't win is up for elimination and it's the wining pairs that will choose and that's when the animotisies begin, starting off with Cara Maria and Laurel. I used to despise both of them and I wouldn't have cared about this, if it wasn't for last All Stars' season. What that last All Stars season did was make me more sympathetic towards Cara Maria and this whole thing with Laurel is just so annoying. Laurel has always been super annoying but this whole situation is even worst and it doesn't even make any sense for Laurel to  want to put Cara Maria into elimination because she's clearly the strongest female out of the three that are up for elimination - for some reason she was second after Laurel, before anyone else, even before Bananas (and you guys know I love Bananas). 

Someone else that keeps being super annoying is Michele, and her whole 'friendship' with Olivia...  Ugh! Both of them are so annoying and I'm living for the Perfect Trio - Nurys, Horacio and Kyland - love them! Unfortunately Nurys is going straight into elimination, I just hope she goes against Olivia and she wins because she's definitely one of the strongest females in the latest seasons.

Lastly, the third (of many) beefs that happened was the one between Paulie and Theo that honestely, I didn't even remember anymore. Still, Paulie keeps being annoying, I just don't have a big attachment to Theo so I'm not that involved in that drama. Personally I would've preferred Josh to be the one going into elimination against Theo (for sure he would've gone home) but with what we saw, I'm pretty sure Paulie will be the one going against Theo. As for the other Eras, Mark is going against Derrick because Derrick volunteered in order to save Darrell from going into elimination which was cute but kind of dumb at the same time, Katie is probably going against Aneesa, which is making Aneesa pretty angry, Ryan probably against Brandon, Nia will most likely go against Amanda (which I'm all for) and that only leaves KellyAnne and Leroy in the limbo. It looks like it will be Cara Maria and Tony but... I'm not too sure. I certainly don't want any of them to go into elimination so we'll see.

So far I would say this Season is living up to the hype. There's still so much to find out about this season - Will they play as a team? Will they keep going against eachother in the same team? How are the eliminations going to work after these initial ones? We still have a lot learn about this season and I'm excited about that so let's go!

Please, tell me your thoughts on this new season so far and who are you rooting for? I know there are a lot of good players so tell me like your TOP 5 or something. And which Era is your favourite? Tell me everything in the comments and I'll talk to you in a few days hopefully with some good news!


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